Newsies – London!
Newsies, not new by any stretch “new”, has been around since it became a Disney movie in 1992 depicting the true historical story of the 1899 New York newsboys strike. However, it is new to the London musical scene opening its doors in November last year where I was invited to the press opening and sadly couldn’t attend. Thankfully they invited me back and yesterday my musical theatre partner in crime (long time gal pal Anna) and I finally got to see this mega show which jas just signed for an extension and is to be open intil the end of July 2023!
The Troubadour New London theatre is a stone’s throw from Wembley Stadium (closest station Wembley Park) in a performance space quite like no other. One time home to XFactor (I actually went once for a behind the scenes press event to see them record live) now the dramatic stage, front and centre of a plethora of surrounding seats (I’d say every one is a great one), is home to the Newsies!
Now, this show is something special! With or without the incredible staging, clever set design and let’s not forget music, this show, with these performers, would wow wherever you had the fortune to see it but… I cannot imagine a more incredible place to perform! And wow, what a performance!
Seating is set out to various districts of New York (we were sat in Brooklyn for the matinee performance this past Saturday) as it invites you into an immersive experience where you aren’t simply watching a show, you feel a part of it! Every single performer, every actor, dancer, singer… Awe inspiring and jaw dropping – it madenus ask the simple question how? On many occasions. How have they found such a plethora of talent, right down the child actor who had a tremendously important and large role within the show, not a beat, step, note or look was missed.
I’d seen Bronte Barber (plying lead Catherine Palmer in Newsies) when she played Carole King in the Beautiful musical tour. She was incredible then (just read my review back) she is even more sensational now! Character Jack, leading man and hero of the story was also simply sparking (played by Micharl Ahomka-Lindsay) as he lead however, as I mentioned, not one performance dimmed a dime!
The songs we initially thought not terribly catchy caught us, my friend was still humming them this morning, and the dancing… Oh wow! There is really no other word. The first half gifts lots of the awesome movement which is so precision perfect it looks effortless (yet clearly is not) and building like a crescendo we were treated to the most magnificent jaw drops at every step. The second half ties the story together and leaves the audience with absolutely no option but to leap to their feet with joy and glee and appreciation.
I’d seen sound bites on social media from those who had attended the press night. I had no idea their words which were lost for them mostly, would be exactly my own!
A triumphant piece of theatre we felt so in incredibly fortunate to have seen. I’d go again. And again. And again.
Wowing, beautiful, moving and more! Go see Newsies, you won’t regret it!

We were invited to see Newsies as guests of the Theatre.