This week has seen Mrs Thatcher’s ceremonial funeral and while I think it’s sad when anyone dies, leaving people who love them behind, I am not a fan of the Iron Lady. I am staunchly left wing and when I say Labour I mean old Labour. I vote red now because it’s the best, as the Lib Dems have thoroughly proven by getting into a blue bed, of the bunch but for me the 80’s left wing politics are where my allegiances lie. (And I never voted Lib Dem by the way).
I come from a red family, my Father ran for Labour in South Norfolk many years ago and I’m still proud of him and my Mother for all their political work on his campaign back in the day – they were also city and county councillors in Norwich and Norfolk respectively. We still believe in the same things today in our house and it’s most certainly a far cry from keeping the rich rich, the poor poor and I’ll look after myself thank you Jack.

Mrs Thatcher did some good, I’ll grant you that but if you look at any PM throughout history, they all did something good. It’s how much devastation and on-going mess that they leave as their legacy that is the measure of a good Prime Minister. So, she fought for this country to be out of debt. Yes. She fought for people to have the right to buy their council houses. Yes. But…
What happened to the future of those people who couldn’t afford to buy or those still awaiting social housing? Because her policies didn’t allow for more council houses being built, where were they going to live? The woman had an ideal of a way of life and it was NOT the less priviledged classes. The woman may have come from a ‘green-grocer’s’ back ground but it did not make her empathetic to the masses, no matter what may be said; nor did her policies drive a future for many sections of society either. Her net result was earning as much as you could, looking after number one and leaving everyone else behind you. For these reasons she was not a good Prime Minister.
Anyway, I don’t want to get bogged down in talking about her (I haven’t even touched on some of the topics I feel passionately about when she comes to mind) just that I resent paying for such a lavish funeral! When this country is yet again on its knees because of those decisions made long ago under her authority with her attitudes and sanctioning we are yet again in recession; two recessions, one Prime Minister’s doing, how can that be good? Bankers were greedy for one reason and that’s because it became a way of life, ‘LOADS A MONEY’! It wasn’t right, it wasn’t sustainable and it wasn’t thinking about anyone else but themselves – exactly what Mrs Thatcher wanted!
Over the years since my Father’s political foray he has been very successful. He has probably earned more money that I am sure I ever will but I know that he has always voted Labour. He personally wouldn’t be financially better off by voting for them, he would pay a lot more in taxes so why does he continue to support? Because it’s fair and proper. Because he’s fair and right. He has good politics and if he’d made it politically he’d have been awesome. He would have made a good PM, Margaret Thatcher didn’t in oh so many ways.
Well it was back to school this week and actually I think Florence was rather pleased to be back. She’s got to see her friends and have fun with them; I think it was just me feeling sad at the gates saying goodbye…
We had a lovely weekend before the school mahem started though and my Sister-In-Law and nephew came down to come to some bloggy events with us. We went to the launch party of the new Bugaboo and Warhol collaboration which was ace and then had breakfast with Aldi, who I am SO impressed with. Their ethics are absolutely fantastic and they have products to match! The Bugaboo party was filled with celebrities and I absolutely loved rubbing shoulders with the likes of Denise Van Outen and my favourite journalist/TV presenter, Cherry Healey – How exciting!

Then on Sunday we took a trip to Thorndon Country Park to go on their free Gruffalo trail which is fab! The sun came out for the first time (and has gone back in again unfortunately) and it felt good to be outside with it shining on our faces. Jimmy took his first steps outside too which was a real moment!

We didn’t have any proper shoes so he had to wear pram shoes. He loved it! I had his feet measured this week (he’s a 2F, so small) and we have some shoes for him now, so that for the next time he’ll be properly equipped! I wrote about all our antics this week in separate blog posts if you’re interested and fancy having a look.
And that’s it for this week… Come on weekend, you can get some sunshine again this week too – you can do it!
See you next week but in the mean time follow me on Twitter @rocknrollerbaby.
I was not paid for any part of this post.