Nozstock The Hidden Valley – Family Festival Ambassador!
Before I had children festival life simply wasn’t on my agenda – I know right, why?! I just wasn’t really a staying in a tent sort of person back then and though I went to Reading, for the day once, it was really only to see my favourite band Razorlight and not to partake in festival shenanigans. Oh but how I must have missed out!
It was only after my babes came along, when other friends of mine were finding family friendly festivals so that they didn’t have to forgo festival season themselves, that I discovered a weekend of festival fun is absolutely blooming brilliant. And because I only ever went with the kiddos in tow I couldn’t tell you which I preferred but I can tell you this… After having children a grotty bog, sleeping on the floor and glitter everywhere doesn’t phase me like it would have used to. I embrace that aspect now actually and so I suspect I was made to be a festival goer with kids and not before!

This year we are going to Nozstock: Hidden Valley for the very first time and I actually cannot wait! As family ambassadors for the festival, along with Mummy Matters, Mummy Endeavours, Modern Mummy and Cookie Crumbles, we will be experiencing this family run festival, held on their own farmland in Herefordshire, together as Nozstock babies! None of us have visited before yet it sounds SO fantastic that we are all champing at the bit to get there and get our glitter on!

Why Nozstock?
I love that this festival is one which grew from a natural seed. Dairy farmer Noz realised that his annual party, which he jokingly named Nozstock, had turned into an actual festival by accident and with his children and friends he created a committee and the party went wild! Their values and morals seem aligned to my own – I think a lot of festivals have become quite commercialised but that’s not what these guys want and I like it. They essentially are just holding a big party for families where they just happen to have some really cool bands playing! I mean… There’s NINE stages! Noz and his kids all have very different tastes in music and I love that his daughter Ella gets a bit of indie on the line up while her brother is into heavy base and Noz himself likes guitar based electric sounds. It means the line up is quite diverse… And we actually have very diverse musical tastes here too – Jonny is a musician and I would say is into all kinds of music so this festival is the one for us!
I mean there’s so much to about Nozstock for 2019 I don’t really know where to start so I’ll do what I always do at a festival and pick one or two things to must see then see where the wind takes me – I’m most looking forward to Soul II Soul and Reggae by day in the Elephant’s Grave – sounds so cool huh! But I’m sure that I’ll enjoy whatever comes my way as festivals produce such a laid back vibe for me. With a beer in my hand and some little legs asleep in the wagon, the music is just a moment to cut loose and laugh with my mates – festival life for me is really just about the kids having fun and us being relaxed and in each other’s company. I’ve never been to a festival without mates and it sort of comes a bit like communal living for a few days with feral, dirty kiddos running wild! I love it!

For the kids?!
There’s a lot going on for them too! And at Nozstock: Hidden Valley the best bit is it’s all free! All kids activities come as part of the ticket price and that makes it worth its weight. No ‘Can I have a quid for this?’ or ‘Can you pay for that?’ – just YES answers and finding the time to fit it all in! With dance workshops, yoga, crafting activities, storytelling and so much more, the little ones will be mega entertained! I’m guessing Ella, also a mama of two, must have had a hand in organising this aspect!

I’ve been speaking to Ella, Noz’s daughter, about running Nozstock as I wanted to ask her what’s so special about her family festival that means we should all be heading to Herefordshire this July – Ella:
What’s something you look forward to about Nozstock year after year?
Honestly there’s some amazing things at the festival each year, but for me the thing I look forward to most is always seeing the crew again. After 21 years they are part of the family.
It feels very homely that Nozstock is so closely run by a family and far less commercialised than some festivals yet doesn’t look any less exciting. Can you tell just one exciting thing that’s brand new for this year?
We have a new stage in our craft area with talks and discussions about sustainability and a folk jam later on. The stage is going to be run entirely by solar energy so we are really excited to have that at the event.
That’s very forward thinking and sustainable which is, I think, how we all want to be living more mindfully within our families. Why do you think festival life lends itself to family life so well and do you have some family festival survival tips?
I think I’m incredibly lucky in that my work is really flexible. I can do emails in the evening after my girls are asleep and I can bring them to site with me. It’s a pretty fun workplace from their point of view. They love watching the artwork being created. Another year or two they can be wristbanding! They test out the kids’ area ideas for me and through them we have definitely improved our family experience, offering a change mat and bottle warming service in the kids area. Having my kids has definitely made Nozstock a better festival. Watching children see completely new and unexpected things is a really lovely perk of my job. Festival survival tips? The little trollies are ace, means little ones can have a nap and you are still in festival mode.
It all sounds rather idyllic, we are even more excited now for some dancing in a field with the babes in tow. And when it comes to the music and the dancing the line up looks packed and fab! If you could have your dream line-up, dead or alive, who would be the main headline and support acts for the main stage each evening?
Dad and I actually talked about this last year. We settled on Muse because I am a massive fan and Iggy Pop because he’s a massive fan. Of course there’s loads of artists we’d love to have here. Bill Bailey would be amazing. But we’ve been lucky enough to have a couple of dream headliners already. Jurassic 5 were childhood heroes of my brother’s, so getting them to perform in his garden in 2016 was a bit of a dream come true.
I’ll bet, my husband’s band have played in our garden and that was mega enough – imagine having your dream band play in your back yard! But the festival IS in your back yard, your family farm to be precise. For me this takes a lot of elements of potentially bad behaviour away – it’s such a shame when you hear horror stories of land on loan not being treated properly and I think can invite bad ethics. Nozstock seems far removed from big business, bad form and commercialism which is what attracts me to your festival but why would you say Nozstock’s different to other family run and family friendly festivals, why is it the best?
It’s a small site so everything is intimate, easy to get to and friendly. You see the same people throughout the weekend. I think the fact that it’s on our farm makes it special. It’s a lovely location, but it means we can build our own stages and features. Things can stay up throughout the year so there’s definitely a homemade, homespun kind of feel to it. I also think the variety on offer is a big plus. No one likes just one type of music and since it’s run by a family who all have such different music tastes that’s reflected in the line-up. There’s definitely something for everyone.
Thanks to Ella for answering our questions – I know she’s answered more for the other family ambassador families so do check out their blogs too and for now… Bet we’ve made you want to come with us to Nozstock haven’t we!

So… If your looking for an ethically minded festival for the family this year, one with LOADS going on for the kiddos and a wicked line up, then I suggest Nozstock?! The theme (has to be a theme) is the Wizard of Noz (oh the costume possibilities are endless) and it’s setting the 18th to 21st of July 2019 up for some glorious fun!
Nozstock. Herefordshire. July. Be there!
Come and party with us… Family festival fun is beyond worth the memories!
I am a family ambassador for the Nozstock: Hidden Valley festival which means I will report honestly on the festival in return for accommodation and tickets for my family.