My baby, my tiny girl, has done one whole term at big school (or she will have done come the end of the week) and I am literally brimming with pride for her. She has got through a very rocky start and is now going from strength to strength in everything she does there. She is quite simply wonderful!
She got her first school report yesterday and it was filled with As for effort and Bs for progress. I literally couldn’t help myself asking Miss Blondie today what more she could possibly have done to get As for progress rather than Bs (I know, annoying motherhood has hit me and this is the sort of person I have become) because as far as I can see she has progressed SO much I’m surprised to find they think she could have done any more? I was told they didn’t want to start the bar too high in the first term. Slightly annoyed for her I have to say as other classes marked As all round for some of our friends and quite honestly, Florence has progressed SO much I think she should have got ALL As too – she can read flipping everything! But… What would I know? Anyway, she’s all As in my eyes and that’s what counts when you’re nearly 5 I guess!
It’s been a week of shows and with the Girl’s Brigade Christmas show on Saturday night, school nativity on Monday and her ballet performance where the girls all danced in their onesies that evening she is finally able to stop rehearsing for things! Phew!

And now it’s on to a fun rest of the week before the holidays. We went back to school tonight to see the carol concert performed by the older pupils and it was really sweet. Not as sweet as the nativity but lovely to see the teachers taking part as well. A very manly looking teacher from another year who always looks a bit fierce sang a song with the most angelic little voice which surprised me and the children were just delightful. I love this school we chose and I am so pleased Florence does too!
When she goes back she will be 5 years old. How can that be I wonder? Where does the time go? 5 years ago I was carrying her around in my tummy not quite knowing if she would be Florence or a boy (we had no name agreed if that was the case) and now here she is a grown up school girl about to celebrate her 5th birthday on New Year’s Eve. I love her so much, she makes my heart sing in a way that no one else could and she taught me the best love in the world.
Now I must go, I have lots of Frozen birthday party things to organise for this weekend, my special school girl is going to have a Frozen explosion!