I know this might seem somewhat premature with Halloween not having arrived yet but this year I’m going to try and embrace the shops having their Christmas ranges out on show from early October and use it to try and make myself a little more organised! I don’t want to be sat on the floor at midnight on Christmas Eve wrapping presents again and I also want to get a few more things straight before that too. We don’t spend Christmas at home which often means I don’t even put our cards up but this year I am going to make sure our flat is as festive as it possibly can be for a mini Christmas before we go home to our extended families for the proper day!
We’ve often talked about having our own little ‘fake Christmas’ pre big day just for the four of us but it’s only ever been done a little half heartedly before. This is the year I intend to do it properly and make it a new tradition. A full Christmas day, just us but with everything on a miniature scale! We shall have stockings but with only a few presents, one little present under our tree (we always have a lovely tree) and a Christmas lunch with a chicken instead of a turkey! The children will love it!
Of course with this could come more effort and work and I don’t really relish the thought of that especially with Florence and Jonny’s birthday all being over the Christmas period! I intend to buy everything for our little big day at Tesco. I love supermarket shopping (I know, call me sad) and Tesco is just 5 minutes round the corner from me so I’m in there almost every day anyway! It may only be October but with my new found desire for the perfect Christmas and embracing becoming prepared early this is no bad thing as it’s already giving me ideas! They have everything from decorations and gifts to the food so there will be no headless chicken running around for me this year, just cool, calm and collected shopping – well that’s the plan anyway. I have already picked the things I’d like to make Christmas perfect for our little family day!
I love when you go to people’s houses and they have fresh greenery winding up their stair cases and draped beautifully over their fire places. In our house the stairs are only functional and certainly not a feature, while we don’t have a fire place at all. I shall be stocking up on festive floral displays from £5 and other delicious smelling plants. I love this citrus tree which is £20, I think my Mum would like it too which could also tick gift off my list for her!I want tasteful little bits dotted about, not too much and not too over the top but I want a festive feel in every room. At the Tesco Christmas show I attended earlier in the year there were some lovely ideas to go with their products and the children really loved the little robins to sit in the tree!I like things to be tasteful, not too brassy and gingerbread themed decorations are some of my favourite this year at Tesco – check out the super bunting! I do like colour too though and reds and greens really bring a Christmassy feel, I can never understand people choosing blue, it’s so cold? I love this cushion and the bird cage card holder is perfect because we never have any surfaces free for cards!For our little big day we shall focus on gifts for the children and Tesco have some fab stocking fillers and sweet treats which will be just the ticket! You can even buy all the big present toys at Tesco and of course for the big big day I’m sure shall buy gifts from the supermarket too. It just takes the edge of the stress of when to find the time for shopping!And of course there is the food to think about! I love food and love to eat but I’m not the worlds best chef it has to be said. I love packets where most of everything is done for you but you can still have the fun of making at home! We’ve tried the chocolates in Tesco’s make your own truffles set and they’re delicious! Home making gifts like this is super fun for children and Florence would also like to make the polar bear cup cakes at some point I’m sure! For nibbles I like these crisp pastry cases which can be filled with anything you like and cheese is another good foodie item I like to have lots of at Christmas. The two sets pictured are just £10 which makes them a fab gift or just to have in your own fridge!Christmas is a time for special foods! How about trying lobster which can just be picked up at Tesco? I think it’d make a really great alternative to meat for a Christmas meal! I like to have lots of nibbles in at Christmas and nuts and chocolate covered nuts in bowls are perfect for snacking on between meals! I also like to have party food ready to just pop in the oven and Tesco’s range looks good this year!Christmas is about eating non stop isn’t it? There always needs to be something on the go and for times when there’s no actual meal in the offing I like this idea that Tesco had at their Christmas show. Have paper bags and bowls of retro sweets to fill them with so that you have something to much on! The shiny wrappers in bowls are decoration enough for a festive table!
Yes, I’m really getting into the swing of it now and looking forward to getting my decorations up… I’ll have to reign myself in for a few weeks but I’m all prepared already for our new mini Christmas that I intend to become tradition!
One thought on “Our Mini Family Christmas With Tesco!”
Awww, I am getting excited visiting all the Tesco posts now! the products will be in the shops soon so have a wonderful time preparing if I don’t catch you before
Awww, I am getting excited visiting all the Tesco posts now! the products will be in the shops soon so have a wonderful time preparing if I don’t catch you before