Overcoming Body Dysmorphic Disorder
This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

Many people may be unhappy with the way their bodies look. For some, this is an issue that they are able to live with, but for others, this leads them to take drastic measures. This condition is known as Body Dysmorphic Disorder, or BDD, and it is an ailment that can see benefit from therapy. Keep reading for more details.
What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder?
This disorder occurs when a person is unhappy with an aspect of their appearance, and it interferes with their life and routine. They may think negative things about themselves and their body. It is considered a mental health condition.
To read more articles about Body Dysmorphic Disorder, check out BetterHelp. There is additional information to view.
There are a few symptoms to watch out for, if you think that you are experiencing this ailment.
- Wanting to get superfluous plastic surgery
- Avoiding people
- Trying to cover portions of your body you don’t like
- Looking in the mirror often
- Feeling bad about how you look
- Talking about how unattractive you are
- Assessing everyone else’s appearance compared to yours
If you are expressing a number of these symptoms, you may have BDD. This is something that you should consider getting treatment for. If you do not, it could lead to you becoming depressed or experiencing symptoms of another mental health condition.
What You Can Do
One way to overcome BDD is to talk to someone about the way you are feeling about yourself as soon as it becomes an issue. Do your best to confide in a friend or relative that you trust, and they may be able to provide you with a different point of view.
You should try not to obsess over an area of your body that you consider to be a flaw, since this can disrupt your routine and keep you from being able to get through your day.
Additionally, you should talk to a therapist about your opinion of yourself and your body.
Seeking Help
When you think you may be experiencing BDD, you should work with a therapist as soon as you can. They could have many treatment options available to help you learn how to think differently about yourself, and if necessary, they are able to prescribe medicines to help lessen some of the symptoms that are severe.
A therapist is also someone that you can talk to you about any problems that you are facing in your life. If you are experiencing stress or anxiety related to your BDD symptoms, this is something that you may want to discuss with your doctor as well. Make sure that you are being honest with them, so they can provide you with the best care.
How to Help Someone Else
If someone you know has the symptoms listed above and you are concerned about their health and safety, it may be a good idea to talk to them about how you have seen them behave. You can also gently talk to them about seeking help for this condition.
It may help if you show them articles about this disorder, so they can better understand how the behaviors they are exhibiting can lead to other mental health concerns. They may not want to hear it and become angry, but it is worth trying.
If you or a person you care about has BDD, it may be necessary to work with a therapist as soon as possible. They have the capability of providing you with multiple treatment options and helping you learn more about changing how you think about your body. Without treatment, your symptoms may become more severe and greatly impact your life.