I’m not a coffee drinker and actually find that caffeine doesn’t really agree with me as it makes my skin horrible. Because of this I haven’t drunk a cup for over a decade but that doesn’t mean I don’t find myself making it often. Jonny is a BIG coffee drinker and is very fond of his coffee machine. He also likes to take a flask with him on a day out or to band practice when he goes off for an evening at the studio and I am forever making it for him.
He always moans though because his tiny flask only carries about a cup and a half of liquid and apparently it doesn’t really stay warm. I’ve been meaning to get a better flask for him for ages so it was lovely to be invited to an event held by Thermos where I would not only be able to learn how to make proper coffee during a lesson (at Prufrock Coffee on Leather Lane) taken by skilled baristas but also be able to take a genuine Thermos flask of coffee home to participate in an over night challenge.
We had great fun making, smelling and learning about coffee as well as trying very hard to create our own barista art which our teacher made look very easy but was in fact VERY hard. I was most disappointed with my efforts and it left me very frustrated with myself. However, I was declared the winner of our group for my poor imitation of a leaf on my coffee froth so I think this should go some way to showing just how difficult it is! My competitive annoyance at not being able to do the artistic part well was eased somewhat by some delicious cakes and biscuits!

And then it was onto the challenge part of the event. Everyone has heard of Thermos and much like Hoover or Cellotape the name is often used for other brands who make similar products so you might think you have a Thermos but do you really have a genuine one? We didn’t and it might just be why our little flask didn’t really work very well. Our old flask barely kept the contents warm for an afternoon but Thermos say theirs will keep the drink or indeed soup warm for a whole 24 hours!

I love the look of the flask with its retro handle and was very intrigued to see if the coffee really would stay hot and fresh for 24 hours. Apparently they had already done a similar challenge where they sent full flasks overseas to see if the contents could stay warm and they had performed very well.
On the way home I managed to break my bag and the flask fell out but because they are made f stainless steel these days rather than glass they are a lot hardier than they used to be and when we opened it in the morning the coffeee was indeed still warm!

I have to say it’s pretty impressive and as well as keeping things warm the flasks will keep something cool if that’s what’s required. Thermos also sent me home with a Travel Tumbler which works in the same way and is going to be great for sending with Jonny on his way to work.
Pretty impressive Thermos, pretty impressive!
I took part in the Thermos #OvernightChallenge.