I have reviewed and written about all sorts of disposable nappies from all sorts of shops and one thing I find these days is that they’re all pretty good. Even the eco ones can often be used through the night and staying dry doesn’t seem to be much of an issue. Disposable nappies, on the whole, work!
So, what sets some apart from others?
Well price is a factor of course and sometimes buying high end brands can be a bit more pricey but if you shop around and see where the offers are, they, very likely, work out about the same cost as cheaper brands. Yes you have to buy in bulk to get the really good offers but then who needs just a small stash of nappies? Who wants to be forever running out?!
Other things I look for are how well they will cope with my little monkey on the move. Jimmy doesn’t STOP moving! He’s a real boy and will throws himself at the sofa, jumps (yes, actually jumps) from one piece of furniture another and he’s constantly moving! What we don’t need is nappies which fall off and nappies which are not comfortable for him to move around in!
Another thing I now consider a plus is the thin-ness of the nappy. Yes, most nappies work but lots of brands are quite bulky in order to achieve staying dry for hours. Some aren’t even that bulky but are just bigger than others and it has to be said that the thinner the better, especially in this weather! I mean would YOU want to spend all day with a massive piece of wadding stuck to your bottom or would you prefer something light and thin and soft and airy? I know what I’d choose!
I’ve been trying out Pampers Active Fit with Jimmy and what I’ve been most impressed with is how little there is of each nappy. When they are on him and under clothes you can’t notice them at all and that MUST be more comfortable for him. They are also very soft to touch both inside and out and elasticated, not just on the legs but on the waist too. They say they have a 3-way fit which adapts to the waist, legs and bottom and we’ve certainly no complaints! It goes without saying that they stay dry over night (12 hours) and in fact, when they’re SO thin, I can’t understand how, but all I need to know is that they do!
I’ve also heard on the grapevine that although pampers don’t bill themselves as eco nappies, they do in fact bio degrade in a matter of a few years – even down to the tabs they do up with! I don’t have any strict facts on this but thought it was worth mentioning!
All in all, very impressive nappies! Pampers have a testing centre where real babies go and test their real nappies every day! They do work very hard to ensure they are creating the very best and I don’t think I could say they were anything else.

I have not been paid to write this post but I was sent the nappies for the purpose of review.