A few weeks ago I received an unexpected delivery of a silver box filled with lovely things to help me sleep. A gorgeous eye mask and some comfy bed socks, a HUGE jar of Neal’s yard lavender bath salts, some sleepy time hot chocolate and a relaxing candle. The box came with a note telling me that it was from some sleep angels and they wished me a good night’s sleep. The note also told me I would receive another package which would reveal the identity of the sleep angels! Very intriguing!

I only knew one other person who had the same delivery that day and we both tried to work out who it had come from and why? We of course got down to using the products and getting a good night’s sleep but we just couldn’t figure out who had sent us such a delightful present! And then… The second parcel arrived!

A packet of Pampers Baby-Dry nappies with a note to tell us that while we had been sent the luxury package to get ourselves off to sleep, all the little ones needed was a dry night and these nappies would offer that! Brilliant. Jimmy is neither a sleeper nor the potty trained toddler he should be by now so it was a great gift for him!
The thing with Jimmy is that he doesn’t wake up at night because he is wet, he is never wet as Pampers really do keep them dry, even when really heavily filled. I just have a monkey who doesn’t sleep regardless! I might not have got a helping hand with Jimmy going to sleep but I can absolutely hand on heart agree that these nappies are completely dry to the touch after twelve hours of not being changed and being wet in! I may still not get 12 golden hours out of him (I expect this to come at about 14?) but at least I don’t have to get u in the night and change his nappy – hurrah!
Pampers Baby-Dry contain a unique combination of elements that work together to offer up to 12 hours of dryness, giving your baby the chance (if they’re not like Jimmy) to get the sleep they need! Pampers asked me what my best sleep advice for babies is? I don’t think I really am an authority on giving out sleep tips as neither of mine do but as well as giving them a nappy that will stay dry like these ones my advice would be to just cuddle your baby and soothe them or feed them when they need. In my opinion babies don’t cry in the night for nothing and personally, I don’t want my children to work out I’m not going to come for them so they might as well stay quiet. That just makes me think of the NSPCC advert where the voice over says ‘Miles is a quiet baby, he has learned no one will come’. I want mine to learn I always will, no matter what! I say give them a Baby-Dry nappy to eliminate the worry they might be wet or need changing and forget sleep training I say! Cave men would have cuddled and soothed their babies and that’s the most natural thing in the world so that’s what I do!
Thanks Pampers for sending me such a wonderful gift! I assure you I myself don’t need anything to help me sleep but I feel very pampered all the same!

Pampers sent me the sleep box and nappies to let me know about their Baby-Dry nappies.