Picture Perfect Hanging
Think of a famous painting, like the Mona Lisa. Undoubtedly, you picture the art itself, her mysterious half-smile, the wooded mountains and forests behind her. However, what many people are unaware of is the rigorous industry and science of picture hanging techniques, and the many professionals that stand behind and within galleries such as the Louvre.
Picture Hanging Systems
When professionals setting up art galleries and expensive homes begin working on laying out wall décor, they begin with picture hanging systems. These systems constitute the technical and mechanical hardware needed to align and frame pictures correctly. Picture hanging systems include items such as:
· Rails
· Cables
· Rods
· Hooks
Although these are the main pieces required, various other accessories, such as the proper mounting hardware and screws can be necessary.
How To Get the Gallery Touch
We all want our homes to look like the professionally curated and designed homes we see in magazines and television shows. However, there are some general rules that the people behind these sets tend to follow to achieve a starting point for a professionally designed feel. A good place to start is the 57-inch rule, which dictates that art should generally be hung around the average height of most people – usually around 57-60 inches. Other methods workers in this industry use to give a creative and intelligent feel to their showcases are:
· Strategize – plan the “route” on which the viewer will go while viewing your displayed works.
· Supplies – make sure you have what you need, and maybe some extra or redundant pieces.
· Break the rules – leave some artworks unframed, or lean some against the wall for a casual feel.
· Remember the big picture – what is known in some cultures as feng shui of the room.
Perfect Picture Hanging Pictured
So, what does this mean for the average person? It means that there are certain fundamentals of hanging artwork that we need to be attuned to. Picture hanging systems provided by professionals and companies within the industry can help us take our displays to the next level – and will be sure to impress a wow factor on anyone who walks into the room. This field combines a powerful dichotomy of hardware and visual aesthetics, in which pictures like Mona Lisa can be brought to their fullest potential, and express what the artist truly had in mind.