We often take a visit to Pizza Express and sometimes it’s for a special treat while other times it’s simply because we’re out shopping, need food at an inexpensive price and know that it will be yummy while the children will love it! We have our favourites (actually quite a few) but we especially like to try the new menus when they come out too and because the latest one has just launched it was the perfect time to visit.
It was Florence’s birthday on New Year’s Eve and then Jonny’s two days later so we decided to make it a joint and belated birthday meal (always good to make an event of it I feel) and because of this I allowed Florence to dip into the main menu whereas usually she eats solely from the Piccolo children’s options. The Piccolo menu is great for any time actually as for just under £7 they get a starter of dough balls, a pizza or pasta dish and then a desert with the all important Bambinoccio to finish. It may just be frothy milk but by golly my two think it makes the whole experience giving them a touch of sophistication and feeling of grown up to finish their meal with that little cup. And, ordinarily Florence has more than enough from this menu so it’s certainly not portion size which makes her beg me for a grown up starter… No, not at all… It’s the delectable Bruschetta Con Funghi which is my absolute favourite with its creamy sauce and usually the one which she pinches from my plate leaving me with not a lot so… Her own Bruschetta to hand and she was in her element!
While we waited for the food to arrive the children got to work on their chef’s hat decorating and puzzles! And we ordered Prosecco with sloe gin (YUM) and the new juice which is absolutely gorgeous! Jimmy devoured his and I wasn’t far behind him. A really fresh berry taste with raspberry seeds to crunch… Loved it!
And when you’ve eaten all that you might think it’s hard to muster up the room for the main event but… Don’t underestimate the Rocknrollerbabies! Florence opted for her usual Burre (garlic butter pasta) which is no longer on the Piccolo menu but which they always make for her anyway and Jimmy went for a pizza. They loved it and for us grown ups we have to say the same. Every time they bring old favourites back I keep my fingers crossed it will be the Monte Bianco (PLEASE Pizza express, PLEASE bring that one back soon) but I absolutely loved the two new/old ones which are returning to this season’s menu. Jonny and I ordered one of each and shared the Barbacoa Romana (pulled beef with a hot and fiery edge) and Etna Romana (even hotter with pancetta to make you squidge your cheeks in). Yum, yum and double yum! My Mum had the cannelloni which she said was super tasty although she’d have ordered the mac and cheese starter in a main course size had they had the ingredients! I always go for a Romana which is a thinner and, essentially for me and my greedy big eye, bigger. Bigger means more topping and that definitely equals better in my book!

Towards the end of the meal poor Florence suddenly didn’t feel too well which was such a shame as her favourite bit is the pudding and she just couldn’t manage it. A lot of bugs have been going around and the poor thing suddenly just flagged. I asked the waitress how quickly she could get Jimmy his pudding and a Chocolate Fondant (again an old favourite returning to the menu) for the grown ups to share and she said she’d have them right away. She was so kind and helpful because she could see Florence, who by this stage was asleep on the table resting her head on my Mum’s scarf, really wasn’t up for it but knew, being a Mum herself that missing pud for Jimmy would be hard work. The deserts were with us in a jiffy and before I knew it my ‘sharer’ was gone. Jonny devoured it leaving me with only one mouthful but I can tell you on good authority of that one taste that it HAS to be ordered again!
And order again we shall because like I said, we simply HAVE to try the mac and cheese and Florence (as well as me) deserves a pudding now that she feels all better! Watch out Pizza Express, we’re coming back!

Oh… And just to make you laugh, when your 4 year old asks you what lemon tastes like DO encourage him to taste it because then you get a classic lemon face pic like this one!

We were invited to try the new menu at Pizza Express for January 2017 in return for an honest review.
You just cannot beat Pizza Express for any occasion – a great place for a family meal x