We are off on holiday in a few weeks time and Florence has been desperate for a suitcase on wheels that she can pull behind her like the grown ups. It was rather lucky then that I was sent a suitcase from PlayAway to review! When I got it out of the packaging she exclaimed ‘I was going to put this on my Christmas list, I can’t believe its here already!’ Well, with a first impression like that it’d be hard to see it going down hill, aside from when its being wheeled down one of course!
We first saw this case at a 2013 Christmas preview in July and we were immediately drawn to it for it is not just a suitcase! Oh no! As well as having a unique ‘PlayAway’ character (ours is the penguin) on the front and an ample space for clothes inside the main body of the case, it has a separate wallet on the front which is removable and stores all the fun stuff! Pull the large ‘playpod’ out of the frame and underneath is a board game which can be played using the die and ready to colour (with provided crayons) play pieces! Also stored in the wallet is a unique card game which can be played according to the rules or made up as you go along with your own. Best of all though, is the fact that it is the right size to fit in the cabin as hand luggage and you don’t have to say goodbye to it when you check in and Florence LOVES that it can be pulled with the handle which can be adjusted according to the height of the child! Perfect!

As well as being robust and completely capable of its primary job as a suitcase, it is engaging and bright and lots of fun! No wonder the children love it!

The case is actually small enough to fit in the cabin as I mentioned but it is still rather big inside, Tardis like I would say! I’m very impressed with it and it wheels rather well too! Florence is only three but she is already keen on this one and I can see that it would be appealing for a good while yet. Because the characters are unique and not from a particular programme I think it will stay popular with children of all ages as opposed to those that a certain programme is aimed at!

We are all very impressed with the case and indeed the only thing I could find fault with is the die that comes in the Playpod. Its made of foam and Jimmy immediately bit a chunk out of it!! But… It’s not exactly hard to replace a die and the case wasn’t really for him so perhaps I could have kept him away from it!!
Great suitcase, great idea and we can’t wait to take it away on our proper holiday as opposed to just for the week at my Mums! No one gets to see it when we come to stay with family and Florence wants to wheel this about at the airport!
I have not been paid to write this post but I was sent the suitcase for the purpose of review.
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