Yesterday I was at an event where there was also another event going on in the same building and after I’d been around the one I’d actually been invited to I kind of gate crashed the other one too! Well, I didn’t really as the guy on the door DID ask me but I suspect he initially thought I was there for them and then didn’t want to seem rude. Hey ho, it was really interesting and a couple of things really caught my eye. One of which was the Plum Baby food! I was offered a few delicious canapes then told by the waitress that all of them were made using Plum Baby food purees! Amazing! They were totally yummy! We moved further into the room and said hello to the guys on the stand!
Now, my children have never been fans of ready made baby food. It’s always been really annoying as it could be such a quick and easy meal for me. When I have no time to make a picnic I could grab a sachet but nope, they’ve never been interested in the few times they’ve tried and turned their noses up with the exception of fruity ones which are more like smoothies and then they will have three or four sips… Ah well! The Plum Baby people had a load of their sachets in a big old fashioned pram and despite my two not being keen I saw a great photo opportunity and popped Jimmy in!

Anyway, the man from Plum Baby gave him one to try and guess what? He only flipping ate it! Then Florence had to get in on the action too and climbed in with her brother and guess what again? She ate it too! I couldn’t believe it but they both absolutely devoured the sachets which had fruit in them but also contained vegetables. Perhaps I’ve been using the wrong brands! So, Florence climbed in the buggy, then their friend and then another friend. 4 little Plum Baby fans sitting in the pram!

I brought a few things home to try again so we shall see what they make of them outside of the pram! The guys at Plum told me they’d just sent a hamper of food to the Royal couple as their suppliers also supply food to the Queen so they thought it’d be fun! Well, we certainly had fun with them at the gate crashed event!
I was not paid to write this post.