A while back I wrote about being a Plum ambassador. It’s a most excellent role as we get to play with lots of toys and play equipment with a view to letting you know what we think. Not exactly a hardship I have to tell you! We even went to visit the Plum HQ and see the whole range in all it’s glory, up and ready for the children to have a play on. It was like some sort of children’s wonderland and I think both of mine extended their Christmas list dramatically after the visit!
We saw lots and lots of things that we liked from indoor small world playhouses (the fire station was a big hit with Jimmy) to giant outdoor playhouses that are the thing of children’s dreams. Ever since Florence was born my Mum has had her eye on a playhouse on stilts for her garden where she will be able to sit in her own summerhouse and watch the children play. She’s seen a few but the Premium Wooden Adventure Playhouse from Plum has always been her favourite! She’s been waiting and waiting for Florence and Jimmy to be old enough and now that they are the time has come! We saw the playhouse when we visited plum HQ and after my reports back to my Mum it was decided that she would indeed be buying that one! Lucky old us, as ambassadors we were even afforded a little discount and she bought it a couple of months ago!

It was delivered when they said it would be however there was a small problem with the packaging and the roof felt had been damaged quite badly. We contacted Plum and they sent some more felt to us; my Mum is going to put it on the roof before it goes up. She said the wood (FSC certified European spruce) is absolutely excellent quality, hard and exactly what you would hope for with a price tag of £799.99 but that the house is let down rather by the quality of felt. It’s not a big problem as roof felt isn’t expensive or hard to apply (apparently – I’ll leave that to my Mum) but it is a shame that it wasn’t fitted better or with better quality felt. However, overall my Mum is very pleased with the quality of everything else. This house costs a lot of money (which my Mum has paid, the discount was a discount but it wasn’t a very big one I have to point out so we are customers like anyone else) and she said she is not disappointed with the product after parting with the money – it’s definitely worth it. I have to point out that Plum, taking on board my feedback, are redesigning the roof for next year so that this will never be a problem again. I will keep you updated!
So, my Mum’s been busily getting the ground where it will be, level and putting it together. On her own. At age 65! She’s amazing (and a little bit mental) my Mum! She has so far put together the base of the structure and is now working on the house. At the end of this week she IS going to have some help to put the house on to the top of the structure, thankfully! My Mum has been doing the build slowly in her own time and a little bit each day but of course if you had a couple of people (as you are meant to) it could all be done at once. She has said it is hard going for her as the holes are not pre drilled and this is making it take a bit more time for her but she is enjoying putting it together and can’t wait to see the children’s faces when we go up to visit in half term!
And that’s when it will be finally ready! Lots of years in the talking and planning, a few months after making the decision and waiting for the right time to put it up and now we’re ready! Half term and the children get to play in their brand new Plum playhouse for the first time! What lucky little ones I have and with such a fabulously generous Gram!
I simply cannot wait to see it and neither can they! We’ll let you know once were in Norfolk playing and tell you all about it!
Make sure you look out for the adverts on Nick Jnr which start today. You will see why we love Plum so much and why we keep on buying their products!
My Mum bought the playhouse with a small discount afforded to me as a Plum ambassador.
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