
My brothers are ten year’s younger than me, so before having children I had a little insight into what parenting small children was all about. I was more of a cool auntie than a sister by the time they were little boys and in my role as half adult (which I took very seriously), I was often able to provide them a cool present in a way an older sibling often isn’t. There was a phase when they were both massively into Pokemon the first time they came around the block, now a quarter of a century old and I remember buying them a battle station to play with using their Pokemon figures. In truth I knew nothing about what Pokemon was all about. Was it a computer game? A toy? Both? Who knew?! But I know when I bought them Pokemon merch it made them very happy and my cool status run loud and clear!
Fast forward to having my own little boys and Jimmy in particular has always been very impressed with my knowledge on all things Poke (not to mention my prowess after a misspent youth at being a reigning champ at Mario Kart, another Nintendo phenomenon) and hasn’t noticed that really and truly, I know nothing other than they’re cool and if you buy Pokemon then you’re onto a winner!
There came the playing using his Nintendo Switch and shortly after he got wildly into the merch, no less the Pokemon trading cards. I’ve always encouraged this as I remember collecting cards myself and though this Pokemon malarkey is largely on line, this is a way of entertaining in an old-fashioned manner using new age technology as the bones. How good is that?! Tins and tins of cards, swaps, bargaining and excitement has been had over the years with Pokemon and in lockdown especially we would find great enjoyment in the virtual searching for them on our daily walks.
I wouldn’t say the fascination is waning in any way, Pokemon just sort of evolves with the children as they grow and Jimmy is just as interested now as he was when he was teeny tiny and I love that, it’s a game, a story, a toy, a thing… With legs, as it were!
Magic Madhouse is the leading retailer of trading cards and accessories for the world’s most popular games and offers the largest selection of both Pokemon cards and accessories available online anywhere! Pokemon TGC online offers not just the greatest selection but a wealth of knowledge about the brand that brings trading cards which have been around almost as long as the game. Initially launched in Japan in 1996, shortly after the game, they have grown so much that there are over 9000 unique cards in circulation. And, if you’ve gotta catch them all (as they say) then this is the place to stop by and find them for sure!
Now, with three main types of playable card, trainer cards, energy cards and of course, Pokemon cards, there’s an awful lot of trading, gaming and fun to be had for the cards aren’t simply to collect, they are to be played too. If you’re a fan then you’ll know exactly how of course! From little boys who are now in their 30s, to little boys like my own, this is still one of the most popular gaming trading cards and as well as the cards there are all the toys, gaming accessories and sealed products where Magic Madhouse can help in your quest to catch ’em!
Pop! Vinyl figures, miniatures, D&D, RPG books, and more. They specialise in Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon, and Yu-Gi-Oh!, and stock single cards too!
So, whether you’re a seasoned Pokemon-ner like the boys in my life or just a right place, right time to have a bit of Poke knowledge then this is your one-stop shop and all at very competitive prices!
Now, go catch them all, someone has to!