Last week I was sent some very appetising Barber’s 1833 Reserve Cheddar which is a sweet, creamy and crumbly cheddar with a 24 month maturing process. It’s a cut above the usual mature cheddar I buy in the supermarket and has worked well in a number of recipes in the past few days including just a bog standard cheese and pickle sandwich. I decided to see how it complimented one of my favourite recipes, potato dauphinois, and I’m pleased to report it did a fantastic job!

I chose potato dauphinois as my recipe has an aweful lot of cheese in it (nearly a whole pack of Barber’s) and I knew it would showcase the taste perfectly. It made it unctious and ooze comfort which is just what I like at this time of the year. I served the dauphinois with pancetta wrapped chicken breasts which had been stuffed with cream cheese and some green beans.
Here’s the recipe:
150g Barber’s 1833 Vintage Reserve cheddar, 8 medium sized white potatoes, salt & black pepper, one pint of double cream, one pint of full fat milk, 2 bay leaves and two cloves of garlic.
Peel and thinly slice the potatoes before parboiling in salted water for 5 minutes. Heat the milk, cream, bay leaves and peeled and crushed garlic in a pan until it boils then turn the heat off. Drain the potatoes and layer them in a dish. After every layer of potatoes top it with a handful of grated Barber’s cheese and lashings of black pepper and when all layers have been added pour over the milk and cream mixture. Bake in the oven on 190 for half an hour and serve.
Thanks Barber’s for sending me some of your delicious cheese.