Last week we held a #PuppyInMyPocket party alongside a Twitter party for the same theme. We played games like picking up pairs (Puppy In My Pocket pairs of course), couloured in, poured over word searches, ate cakes (no party is complete without cakes) and played with some toys from the new range!
We had brilliant fun joining in both for real at home and on line with the Twitter party and loved watching other people win some of the fantastic Puppy In My Pocket toys for prizes. We were sent, ahead of the party, the Puppy In My Pocket Palace, the Puppy Play Park and a charm bracelet with three tiny puppies to attach to it along with a glorious box of blind bags. Any child worth their YouTube salt will know the blind bag is where it’s at and the kiddos at our party loved opening them!

Here’s a little look at what we got up to while Twitter was alight with the hashtag #PuppyInMyPocket!

And then of course we had to play with the toys too didn’t we?! Would have been rude not to! The big play park was lots of fun but the palace was the one we played with the most. ‘It has a swimming pool Mummy’ exclaimed Florence with excitement who then had to fill it up with water (outside) and play with both the puppies who came with it, a couple from her blind bag and the three tiny ones from her charm bracelet!

Florence has been playing with the palace ever since the party and absolutely loves it. I adore hearing her make up voices for her puppies and act out the little story lines that she creates for them. She also has a Kitty In My Pocket from her blind bag who is friends with all the puppies and it really is a joy to watch and listen to.
It IS a plastic toy and it DOESN’T easily just slip into a box to be stored away but honestly she’s been playing with it every day so I’m not too fussed. We’ve found a home for it to go to on her shelf when she does want to put it away but so far that’s not happened yet! She’s also rather taken with the Puppy In My Pocket Charm Bracelet which comes with three little puppies who click into the slots and out of them.

So, we think Puppy In My Pocket (and Kitty In My Pocket) is rather fab and we hope you enjoyed the online party as much as we did having one at home!
We were compensated for taking part in this project.