At the beginning of the month I attended a sleep powwow held by family and lifestyle brand Worlds Apart. We spoke about all the different types of sleep problems children encounter and I spoke with their sleep expert, Mandy Gurney, about my own sleep problems or rather, those of my children!
She was really helpful and gave lots of good advice which I have used some of to good effect. It all went out the window over the last couple of weeks however as Florence has started school, our routine has changed and she has been very clingy while her little brother has picked up on this and is being a demon due to lack of sleep. He is currently refusing a day time nap which means he is sleeping badly at night and we are in a bit of a vicious circle. Today I am literally at the end of my no sleep tether and plan to start putting Mandy’s tips RIGHT back into action immediately. I NEED some slumber – the bags under my eyes could carry the shopping home!
Things I had been doing and plan to do again are separate, short and functional bath times with no playing, no television before bed and getting Florence down before we attempt the mammoth task of convincing Jimmy he wants and needs to go to sleep. It had started to work and I am annoyed with myself for falling behind on it and getting to the point we are at again today where we all want to scratch each other’s eyes out because we are so tired!
We had started using some Worlds Apart sleep products too and although we stopped some of our routine we haven’t stopped using them! Our Go Glow Night Lights have been in use ever since the powwow and are an absolutely genius idea. A dim night light which gives off just enough of a glow to comfort and then when the child picks it up it becomes a torch. Fabulous idea as children are obsessed with torches and both Florence and Jimmy are extremely keen on theirs which charge up by day and glow by night!

We have the Go Glow Night Lights in Peppa Pig and Thomas the Tank engine themes which goes rather nicely in their room as that’s exactly what they have chosen for their bedding. Stereotypical girl and boy for me it seems! Worlds Apart also make ReadyBeds which are blow up beds with covers for camping or sleep-overs and they too can come in Peppa Pig or Thomas the Tank Engine themes (there are other themes too)! The children were thrilled to get to try out one each from the ‘My First’ range, (they start designed for tiny tots but go up in size for older children) and even though neither of them particularly like sleep it meant they actually wanted to go to bed for once! Florence has been sleeping in my bed since she started school and because she has been so anxious and upset I’ve allowed it. I thought we might have a fight on our hands when it came to going back in her own room but the ReadyBed was enough to coax her!
They’re great as they blow up in a few minutes using the hand pump which comes supplied, they let down in just as quick time and then they roll up into their own little integral bag which fits the pump too. We don’t have much space until we convert our loft and they slip nicely under the chest of drawers. When they’re up they have a head rest which blows up with the bed to help them not to roll off and then the integral cover is cosy and warm while being soft too. The cover also slips off easily for washing.

They can both have friends stay over now as we have somewhere for them to sleep and when we go camping or stay at friends they are so small it’s easy to take them with us. I am very impressed. The quality is pretty good all round with everything fitting snugly but still easy to use. My only slight reservation would be the toggles on the zips as our Thomas bed didn’t have one meaning it was impossible to un-do without some string threaded through it. I’m sure it’s not a regular occurrence but it was mildly annoying. I’d still buy one though and absolutely recommend them to friends!

We are very keen on the ReadyBeds which serve their purpose beautifully! Now, we’ve solved going back into our own rooms, we just have to get the boy to have a nap in the day time and get to bed at a decent time in the evenings! Wish me luck!
We were sent the ReadyBeds and Go Glow Night Lights for the purpose of an honest review.