Red Letter Days – A Family Gift!
Buying an experience gift has got to be the ultimate present if you ask me! My children have enough toys, enough clothes and they don’t need anything else material while the gift of making some amazing family memories is absolutely priceless!
Except it really isn’t priceless when it comes to amounts of money. Red Letter Days offer an experience gifting service where you choose the experience and tailor it to your person while choosing exactly how much money you spend. And if you haven’t got a clue about exactly WHAT to buy a certain someone then the site will help you by breaking down their experience into categories. Buying for a niece or nephew for example and not having the first idea about what a child their age might enjoy and it’s all there for you!
Red Letter Days are such a fab gift for everyone from the recipient to the gifter. So… There’s no actual shopping and schlepping around the shops, it’s all done on line! No hassle either – Nothing to wrap, send through the post or worry that you have bought the wrong thing because when the present is used it can be changed without anyone ever knowing! And for the person who receives this lovely gift they don’t have to find anywhere to store it, they don’t have to go anywhere to collect it, they don’t even have to take you up on it! Say you booked a family trip to Kidzania not knowing whether they fancied it, had been before or even if it was suitable for them then it’s no hassle because as I said, it can be changed!
We were kindly gifted a Red Letter Day for a family day out at London Zoo (GREAT GIFT) and though we were very excited to go and see the zoo again (it’s one of our faves), had we thought, oh that’s a bit of a shame because we’ve already been, then we would have simply changed it when on the Red Letter Day site downloading our voucher. We were given that option a couple of times in fact so it couldn’t have been easier because it is completely free to switch!

I loved how within seconds of it being chosen we had the email to download the voucher (you can have it delivered in a signature red box too) and then all we had to do was check the terms for our particular venue. Some you have to book in advance but the zoo’s instructions were to simply print out the voucher and bring it along when we wanted to go! How perfect is that!

We went the day before yesterday and had the most glorious day. The sun shone meaning we got to take advantage of the newly re-opened splash park (we remember it being open before they refurbished the area and loved it back then, always missing its fun on recent visits) and the children had a fantastic day, as did we!

All in all we had a fab time as a family both at the zoo and by going out to dinner afterwards and staying overnight in a hotel. We wouldn’t have done those things without the Red Letter Day gift but it made a real mini holiday out of it. I would be highly impressed if anyone gave our children a Red Letter Day gift for Christmas or their birthdays – making memories is a far richer experience than owning things!
Working in collaboration with Red Letter Days.