Regatta, makers of super outdoor wear (we reviewed some gorgeous pieces here last week), challenged us to mix up our week a bit and have some adventures on our way to school. Apparently 58% of children pester their parents to walk to school more and Regatta have come up with a fun downloadable ‘Walk To School Adventure Guide’ on their website to help you come up with ideas for how you can make your journey to school more fun!
we love that idea and when you think that the number of children walking to school has declined by 62% since the 1960’s it’s really something we need to think about. Cars and convenience often take over our lives and the rush, rush, rush means some of us are missing out on the simple pleasures a walk can bring; fresh air, leaves to run about in and puddles to splash!

So there is a challenge for each day, accept one of theirs or make up your own?
We always walk to school as we love so close but we often take a detour to make our journey more fun (when we’re on time) so that’s what we did when we played with the leaves. So simple, so much fun and on every street corner these days!
Why don’t you give the regatta challenge a go?
I have not been paid to write this post.