Florence has had a couple of riding lessons and absolutely loved them though it’s an expensive hobby it has to be said! A group lesson on a Sunday morning for pre-schoolers near us costs £15 which believe it or not is very good value but still, for a half an hour lesson it’s not something we can afford to do every week right now. We do the lessons as and when which is lovely and it is a real treat but unlike ballet and tap I don’t feel I want to shell out loads on all the gear for such a sporadic hobby. Not yet anyway!
Saying that and she does have to have proper things to ride in when she does have a lesson so what’s my point of call? Why Aldi of course! From time to time their special buys include riding gear and at £4.99 for a child’s fleece and £7.99 for the jodhpurs you can’t really go wrong! Proper gear of great quality but without opening the purse too wide. do love a bit of Aldi!
The next ‘riding’ special buy is starting on Sunday 26th October and you can pick up both adult and children’s gear. Florence loved wearing her new clothes when we went riding at the weekend and frankly I think they’re jolly good all round! Saves her proper clothes from getting dirty, keeps her warm and they wash well to boot. And let’s not forget they absolutely look the part – brilliant!

We had a great time riding in the Aldi gear last weekend and thoroughly recommend them as do we riding for fun in general. Expensive it may be but for a special treat (this lesson was a present from my Mum to Florence) it is a gorgeous way to spend a morning! Florence rode a horse called Millie who was so dinky and sweet! Take a look at the fun we had here!
We were sent the riding clothes for the purpose of an honest review.
Wish I stocked up when they had these in!
I agree my child started 9 weeks ago i wish i got when they were in even if she doesn’t where it for horse riding