I love baby wearing and carried Florence in a variety of slings from the day after she was born. Her very first outing was to the shops in a Close baby carrier which looks a bit like a wrap around and is soft material. I loved it although it only really took her to about a year old. It would be much younger if you have a heavy child. I actually have found quite a few slings that are brilliant over time but like the Close one they all seem to have their time that I have found them suitable for. I carried Florence in a sling regularly until she was about 4 and now, at five, she is still light enough to go in the Ergo that I use with Jimmy and occasionally has a carry because she is tired. The Ergo is another fab one and because it distributes the weight onto your hips it means you can carry a much heavier child. I generally carry Jimmy on my back in it but it can do front or hip. It can also take a new born with an infant insert but I never liked it with a very tiny baby, it just felt big and bulky and not soft or gentle enough.
So I regularly used the Close for a younger baby and the Ergo for an older and recommend them both highly. I lost my Ergo very recently and even though Jimmy is 2 and a half I bought another one because I rely on using it so much! So both are brilliant but neither ideal because I had to buy two different ones for two different stages. Of course I’m not saying Ergo are wrong and it is not safe for a new born, it just didn’t feel right for me. Ideally a sling which I love for both stages would be good and I certainly now Mum’s who love their wraps which have seen them through all stages but again, I am not really a wrap mummy! The Close looks like one but has very definite shape and loops to pull the material through, I definitely need that!
I was sent a sling last week by Rockin’ Baby which to me looks like it could be ideal for both stages. I haven’t used it for a tiny baby but I can see it has some of the gentle material qualities that I like as well as rings to pull the material through while it also has been flipping brilliant for carrying Jimmy around on my back. It’s super easy to put on and off, something which can be a bit of a drama with the Ergo (although I am well practised and can do it easily now) and it also just folds up easily and fits in my hand bag. A piece of material is all it is essentially, just a very clever one and with the added comfort of rings which I personally need. To boot there’s a zipped pocket which can carry wipes and a couple of nappies and the company also has excellent ethics! Designed by an American mum of six (it’s always a good sign when a Mum is at the design helm as let’s face it, we KNOW what we need), every purchase means they also donate a new sling to a Mum in need. See all about their mission here!
I found it to be easy to use and carry about when not in use too. It is stylish and mine is even reversible so like two slings in one. It’s not too expensive and it takes a newborn right up to 40lb – Pretty great as far as I’m concerned. I’ve been using the Rockin’ Baby sling in Night Sky which can be bought for £49.99 from Mothercare and I am very pleased with the results, what a great product! I am a sling fan in general but this one is definitely one of the better ones I’ve used. For sheer lastibility and ease of use I am going to give it an 8/10. It COULD feel a little more sturdy with a wriggling 2 and a half year old in it to get an extra two points but you simply can’t have everything can you!

One thing I will just say about sling wearing on your back is that you need to be careful where the little ones put their fingers when you can’t see them behind you. I was standing sideways on and closing my front door the other day when poor little Jimmy had his fingers in the hinges… It resulted in an afternoon at A&E but thankfully with no broken fingers as his X-Ray showed. It had never occurred to me before that something like that might happen and as he was on my back I just didn’t think he could come to harm – I’ll be more careful in future of course!
We were sent a Rockin’ baby sling for the purpose of an honest review.
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