Sail To School!

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Sail To School!

I live about a ten minute walk away from the nursery and school my younger children go to and yet I find myself many mornings running out of the door so late that we have no option but to drive. With new government rules about lateness being registered as unauthorised absences, and all the fines and threats that go with that, I can’t afford to have them running over the finish line later than the bell but I have worked out some tricks which have been ensuring we can do the job on foot and still make it. Despite being an inherently late Mum!

Here’s what’s been working for me:

Prep in advance:

The packed lunches are the main thing that was dragging me back, and it might seem like teaching you to suck eggs, but if, like me, you haven’t worked out making them the night before is a winner yet, then trust me, it is! I’ve discovered that sandwiches are a bit of a soggy no, no but wraps hold their form much better and often I will make a salad, pasta or noodle dish which can be eaten cold. I put everything in their boxes and play Jenga with the fridge because it’s absolutely worth it the night before to alleviate the struggle when we’re rushing.

Likewise I get all the uniforms out and have them ready to dress the little ones as soon as they’re up and washed. It may seem like such a simple and easy thing to do and yet I wasn’t planning properly. I’ve even got my big kids involved and they’re now packing their bags the night before too!

Make breakfast easy:

I’ve doubled down when it comes to the options, I used to agree to pancakes and all sorts in the hope they would eat something but now it’s a simple cereal, or toast?! and I can’t tell you how helpful that has been. If they don’t eat it then I guess they just have to wait until break but hey, they’re not on my watch by the time they’re getting hangry so in my book, that’s ok!

New mode of transport:

Driving isn’t just bad for the environment, it’s bad for the mood trying to find a parking space. If you’ve not done this outside a primary school at 8.30am on a week day then you won’t know the pain but I’m sure they’re all the same and like my usually sleepy village, it suddenly becomes like Clapham junction. Too late to walk, no worries, we scoot! It’s far less faff than getting the bikes out as they can be ready in the porch and fantastic, we whizz to the gates. My littlest one can’t leave hers at school however which does mean bringing it home with me. Again, I have a solution! Riding on a kids scooter back again is just the ticket and it gets me working too! They have adjustable handles, while I’m pretty small, so, hey presto!

Don’t pack for the weekend:

I realised that my kid’s bags were cumbersome and heavy. Filled with the requirements for every weather eventuality. I have started re-packing and removing items we won’t need. Rather annoyingly, of late, that’s the sun creams and hats in place of the rain coats. They don’t need it all though so drop the weight you don’t need I say!

Check WhatsApp:

I may not be the traditionally organised Mum but there is always at least one in every group I can rely upon. I actually bought “organised Mum” a box of chocolates at the end of one year she’d saved my bacon so many times. I look at WhatsApp when I wake up every day and then if I’ve missed a WOW day, P.E notification or there’s a special dress up I’m on it because someone will inevitably send a reminder!

One thing you might want to avoid:

In a bid to try and cajole them out of the house last week I told them they put parents in prison if you’re late too often and now Raffie keeps looking at me worriedly asking if me and Daddy will be taken away by a police man. It might not have been my finest moment that’s for sure but Posie, who doesn’t seem phased by this at all says to him very gently when he asks, “Don’t worry Raffie, Gram will come and look after us when Mummy and Daddy go to prison!” – I’m kind of waiting for a call from nursery asking if there are any issues but fingers crossed she doesn’t mention it when there!

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