Sandringham Knee High Boots From Hotter Shoes!
With any shop on the high street we won’t and can’t like everything for sale because we, as people, are all different. We like different things, we wear different things and we buy different things to each other. If we were all wearing the same things then it would all be a bit boring huh!
But a shop selling clobber of course knows this and would mostly want to appeal to as many people as possible when selling their wares because, well, turnover! They want as much footfall over their thresholds as they can get so that they can sell as many items, to as many demographics as can be mustered. It makes perfect sense then that they will all sell a variety of styles, lines and designs to suit all tastes, that’s simple supply and demand baby! They supply the demand that we ALL require because if they don’t, then they lose money. And they, none of them, want to do that now do they?!
So… I think we are all bright enough to know that if we go to the shops then we are sure to find something to suit whoever we are right?! But even knowing that I think there are also certain retailers we might give a miss just because we have a perspective that they won’t cater for us – and in all reality there are lots of shops who do probably only cater for certain people and that’s fine but what if we are assuming something about one which just isn’t correct and what if that means that we are missing out?! For me, a few years ago, Hotter Shoes was one of those shops- I simply didn’t give it a look in knowing that my Mum liked it for comfy shoes… We have very different tastes in women’s shoes you see and I’d thought because they made things that she likes, then they absolutely wouldn’t make something for me too!
I learned and learned quick that while ALL their shoes have the level of comfort which is over style for my Mum’s likes, they also sell a LOT of shoes which have the beauty built alongside the shoe equivalent of taking your bra off at the end of the day – and if we can mix the two… Well, isn’t that living the shoe wearing dream folks?!
I’m not going to patronise you and say that I LOVE all the styles in Hotter and that they are all really fashionable because I don’t and I definitely don’t think that. My Mum still buys the shoes she loves in there and I am really not keen on them at all (I think her feet could do a lot better when it comes to the aesthetics in all honesty but she won’t have any of it) however, alongside those shoes that I deem frumpy and not for me, there are also some of those awesome styles I now know they sell and that I do like too. I actually really like a good deal of the shoes in Hotter as it goes and would wear LOADS of them (if I had the spondoola – sadly on a student budget right now it means not buying ALL the shoes) and so it’s rather fab then that I have been lucky enough to have been sent some gorgeous Sandringham suede and leather knee high boots from Hotter’s A/W19 range which are currently in the mid-season sale from £129 down to £99! I love them and it was serendipity as I literally had just thought to myself that I needed a pair when I got the email asking if I’d like to review them for my blog – I’ve been thinking about a lottery win ever since to absolutely no avail!

I have them in black but as well as being able to choose them in full or half sizes with a wider leg fitting if necessary they also come in three other colours; chocolate, dark tan and maroon – I would only wear them in black as I live in the countryside and it’s muddy. I suppose I should keep them for best but I’ve grown out of that mentality and just wear what I want to wear these days. Are there enough ‘best occasions’ to save ‘best clothes’ for? Probably not so why keep things in the cupboard! It is worth noting that I sprayed them with Protector Spray (£5) also from Hotter Shoes that I had left over from another pair of shoes another time. The protector makes the suede a bit more water resistant and even though they get muddy it tends to brush off after the treatment which is handy as they were covered on the first outing. So… Between the spray protector and the colour being darker hopefully I won’t look tramp like for a while yet as I LOVE them.

They sort of have a thigh high boot quality about them with the front being a bit higher than the back yet they are less Pretty Woman and very definitely more middle class mum on the school run – perfect. Oh… And the comfort – well, I reckon they are every bit as delightful on the old tootsies as my mum’s ‘sensible shoes’ but they look much more my cup a cha!

I was gifted the Sandringham boots from Hotter Shoes.