Last week Florence and I were kindly invited to Sadlers Wells to see Raymond Briggs’ ‘The Snowman’ live on stage. It was wonderful and such a perfect introduction into ballet. Florence has been moaning about going to her ballet classes but when she saw the little boy and all the snowmen dancing she said ‘I want to do that’ and is very firmly back into wanting to go which is brilliant.
It was an amazing show with so much beauty and wonder for a little one, it was also totally different to any other theatre experience we have had. The cast, in particular the little boy, were wonderful and what I found most amazing was that you couldn’t hear their feet hitting the floor at all, this is something which I often think takes away a little magic during ballet but this really was like they were walking in the air!
The orchestra was superb and the music, so familiar, brought the show to ever more delightful heights. Florence couldn’t believe it when they started to fly and as she danced along in her seat to everything happening on the stage I could see her smile from ear to ear. What a perfect thing to take her to. She has a little pal who is also going as a special treat and over the weekend she was telling him all about it and how at the end it even starts to snow in the theatre. We both absolutely loved it!

We were invited to ‘The Snowman’ by Save The Children who were having a bit of a pre show party to invite everyone to take part in this year’s #XmasJumperDay bash! Friday 12th December is the date to put in your diary to wear your Christmas jumper and ‘make the world better with a sweater’ by donating to the cause! Save The Children are a fantastic charity who do some amazing work around the world and every donation made to this fund will be matched pound for pound by the government so it’s well worth donating even if you can’t afford much!
There are loads of activities and pre #XMasJumperDay fun things you can do like swapping jumpers with friends so that you have a different one from last year and even knitting your own mini versions for bunting or a toy. Free patterns as well as all the information for #XmasJumperDay ideas are here so sign up and get involved! And if you want to text your donation of £2 then text the word DONATE to 70050! 100% of the donation goes to Save The Children and you will be charged £2 plus your standard network rate.
We got busy pre show and did some knitting which was lots of fun. I learned how to knit one, pearl one with Love Knitting who were very patient with me and they also taught Florence how to finger knit – she even did it WITH the Snowman himself! What a brilliant charity with lots of fun ideas to get involved with!

So remember your jumper on the 12th December and REMEMBER to donate!
We were invited to The Snowman with complimentary tickets.