We’re rather fond of the Sofia The First micro dolls from Flair and Florence absolutely loves her earrings and ring play sets from the range. This week she has added to her collection of the tiny dolls and has been playing with the Royal Prep Academy Backpack Playset which comes with Sophia, Fauna, Minimus and Prince Zander.
From the moment she saw it she was smitten. It’s the whole palace school all inside a hard plastic case made to look like a satchel. It has a carry bag and when you open it everything literally pops out and into place. Different rooms with moving activities and secret doors as well as points for the characters to be stuck down using their holes on the underside and then they will stay in place.
Florence thinks it is absolutely brilliant and has added the micro dolls from her earrings which of course are the right size to fit everything too. It reminds me of proper Polly Pocket when I was little. Polly Pocket seems to have grown dramatically in size these days and for me, part of the charm, was that she was so tiny just like these Sofia micro dolls.
I told Florence she would need to try and keep it away from Jimmy as it is very definitely a toy for delicate hands and because it is all in once case that is very easy for her to do. She simply moves the whole bag to a quiet area where she can play on her own although occasionally under supervision, Jimmy gets a little look in too!

It’s a great little set that seems like such a bugger toy once it’s all opened out. It’s definitely worth the £34.99 price tag I like that it takes up very little space at all.
What would I change about it? Well, I never really like toys which come with stickers to be applied and this comes with A LOT! It’s fiddly and then always has the potential to have them ripped off making it look tatty. These stickers are a bit hit and miss as some don’t really stay stuck very well, even the ones that were pre stuck seem to be coming up a bit and will need some extra glue help. Of course with Jimmy we have also had our first sticker removal which unfortunately was the big one on the front of the case. I know it’s more expensive to have toys which don’t require them but I would always rather pay a bit more if I’m honest, The other things is that it’s impossible for Florence to put it away on her own and requires adult sized hands to get everything back in place before closing the box. Opening is also tricky but I think she will manage to do that with practice.

Aside from those two points it really is a great little set with lots of scope for adding characters and we like it very much,

I was sent the playset for the purpose of an honest review.