Books and words open up a world of imagination that is like nothing else. To be able to read and indulge in that world which is just you and a story is one of the most pleasurable things in life and I’m pleased to say that both of my children are just as interested in stories as I am.
I love that they love reading and I also love to read to them which is our bed time routine and one we all enjoy. When one of my best friends was pregnant recently and we were on the phone I said ‘I will call you in a bit because it’s bed time story now’. I remember her saying that she couldn’t wait to be able to do the bed time story. It is such a huge part of being a parent isn’t it? That last thing in the day before they slip off into hopefully happy dreams and I think that although it is important to learn to read yourself, it is important to be read to as well! I actually miss having stories read to me if I’m honest. When I was first with Jonny I used to ask him to read me a chapter of my book as I went to sleep because the act of just lying there and listening to the words makes me sleepy. I can’t remember the last time he agreed to read to me though, a very long time ago, I think he thinks I’m odd but seriously, it’s just a nice thing to do isn’t it?!
The children enjoy being read to by all of their grown ups, not just me (although I think I’d be their first choice because i do lots of voices that THEY think are brilliant even if in reality they are a bit pap). When my Mum comes they love nothing more than making Gram do the bed time story and we’ve just found a little product which means that even when she’s not here she can still read to them. The Sparkup Magical Book Reader records your voice reading up to 50 story books and recognises the pages from its camera so that when the page is turned it moves on with the story. It’s pretty blooming weird that it works but it does. In fact, it’s absolutely brilliant! It also can record up to 250 minutes of downloaded audio stories and you can even save all of the ones you record yourself on your computer. I am giving one away at the bottom of this post so do enter but first have a read about the prize!

I got it out of the box and thought I was going to have to spend ages setting it up and reading the instructions which is something I hate but then I realised it came complete with the 3 x AAA batteries it requires and when you turn it on it literally talks you through the process step by step. I recorded ‘Stick Man’, one of our favourites, in as long as it takes to read the book (Voices un all! Our Stick man is Scottish because when we first saw the live show the actor playing him was so it stuck and we have lots of voices for the other characters too – did you know the little girl DEFINITELY has a lisp? And can you tell I’m a frustrated out of work actress)?

It is, honestly, absolutely brilliant and it means my Mum can record stories and if we ever go away without the children then we can still be reading them a story at bed time. And it works. It sounds like one of those things that will but in reality doesn’t but not so, I promise! There are a few teething things which you work out pretty quickly; the children when listening back to the story, find it easier to have the reader on it’s back rather than sitting upright and occasionally the book gets a bit out of place but at 4 Florence understands what has gone wrong and knows how to put it back in place so that it continues reading. It’s easy for them to know when to turn the page as the green light on the main button flashes when it’s time and they think it’s awesome! Take a look!
Easy to use and even if you do struggle there is a tutorial on This could, I suppose and like any other gadget, be used for a touch of lazy parenting now and again but it’s main benefit is that family members you don’t live with can record stories for the little ones and then they have them forever. It’s a pretty great piece of kit and the current Tesco price of Β£34.48 is a pretty great price too!

If you’d like to WIN yourself a Sparkup Magical Book Reader then look no further and enter the Rafflecopter competition below!
Tesco are offering one Sparkup Magical Book reader as a prize for this competition and they supplied us with one for the purpose of an honest review.
My kids love julia donaldson books!
The tiger that came to tea was always a favourite and spot books
Mr men
My daughter loves pretty much anything by Julia Donaldson and the Mr Men books.
My son is 10.5 months old and he loves his books. His favourite are anything with animals and if they are touch and feel or flap books then even better!
Pretty much anything that makes them giggle x
the gruffalo is my little ones fav
My grandsons love Thomas the Tank Engine books
The Snail and the whale
My little girls loves me reading The Gingerbread man to her
the gruffalo
Loving the mr men collection at the moment x
My kids love Julia Donaldson, current favourite s are the princess and the wizard, tiddler the storytelling fish and the gruffalo.
they like the mr men and little miss
Peppa Pig ones π
The Gruffalo!
We are reading all my old Ladybird fairy tales at the moment. My daughter’s favourite is Sleeping Beauty.
my grandaughter loves any books! she cant get enough of them!
Anything Thomas the Tank Engine! Also Elmer!
Grandson loves lift the flap books, his look of anticipation when he starts to look is adorable π
My daughters love books about fairies, princesses, mermaids etc and my boys love books abou dinosaurs, monstors, robots or space aliens! My girls love the Gruffalo at the mo!
my little ones loves the gruffalo
my friends little boy was born early so he is behind other children but loves any book read to him
Anything with animals in it.
Peppa pig and the very hungry caterpillar at the moment
my granddaughter just loves all books
My daughter will literally read anything and everything!
The Gruffalo
My son likes all the Julia Donaldson books and topsy and tim
My little one loves Space Girl Pukes – Yay for funky book reader
My kids love reading The Gruffalo
Just books in general he is obsessed xx
We’re reading Whose Bum?
Mr Men books.
Julia donaldson
My boys love books by Julia Donoldson
We are a Famous five family
My son loves any book. He is obsessed with reading at the minute
Peppa pig xx
My twin boys are 2.5 yrs and enjoy me reading Topsy & Tim books to them x
my monster like the mr men books
My daughter is still loving her Peppa Pig books
My daughter loves the rainbow fairy stories and my son loves his Jack the Station cat books!
Children love all books – especially A squash and A squeeze!
The Gruffalo
My children love books in general, at the moment we are reading The Noisy Farm and Sparkley Stanley, we go to the library every two weeks, they love it.
the dinosaur that pooped a planet, it is very funny
Twisted Fairytales and The Giant Jam Sandwich are current favourites.
sesame street and chicken licken x
at the minute his favourite book is I’m not scared…but he pretty much loves any story π
Lillie pops loves ‘I want my mummy’
My 8 year old loves the Roald Dahl collection, my 5 year old enjoys Biff Chip and Kipper books, my 3 year old loves Thomas the tank engine.
My sons like anything to do with counting such as 10 Little Pirates or 10 Chirpy Chicks.x
What the Ladybird Heard and Not Now Bernard
we are on board books at the moment, anything with animals is always a hit!
Pretty much anything with animals in and “you choose” is a new favourite
My son loves the `Captain Duck` series of books
A squash and a squeeze, I love this book too π
Any touch and feel or pop up books.
I want my potty – i know it by heart, and probably backwards
My son loves reading anything, but has developed a love for Roald Dahl books
Mr Men books
peppa pig
The Dr Seuss Books are a big fave in our house
the gruffalo, the very hungry caterpillar and brown bear brown bear what do you see? are three of our favourites.
anything with either cars or dinosaurs in
the gruffalo
Monkey Puzzle & The Snail & the Whale
They love anything that they can interact with, pop up books, fabric books and sing along type books x
Right now it’s anything Peppa Pig
Little boy is loving Princess Evies Ponies right now. it has a little paper pony in the back!
We are Ben and Holly and Peppa Pig mad at the moment,
Thomas the Tank Engine!
My little girl loves books that play music x
They love all books but especially Hairy Maclary and anything with animals in.
The gruffalo book
Mk kids love julia donaldson books
she loves the Gruffalo
My 4 year old son loves Winnie the witch at the moment i now know it of by heart ive read it so many times x x
Likes anything that is funny.
the gruffalo
Mine like anything that rhymes!
The gruffalo
The Thomas and Friends books
Any Julia Donaldson book is always a hit
Mine used to love Little Bean, had to read it every night! My grandson loves anything with a car in at the moment or Thomas books <3
love the books where you can lift the flaps and discover hidden objects
Anything with dinosaurs and trains or cars in them… such a boy!
The Tiger who came to tea and the Gruffalo
anything with witches
got to be peppa pig!
Has to be the cartoons – all of them!
It would be great to win this a my boy is just started getting in to books. He likes spagghtii and the yeti. Xx
About animals π
several but ones that come to mind are ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’ by Margery Williams.,’ I’LL Always Love You’ by P Lewis and ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle
The Gruffalo books
The gruffalo is still very popular!
Ellie is really enjoying her personalised books that I have made for her
The Tiger Who Came To Tea – which is what I used to love too!
Peppa pig or Ben & Holly
Mostly the Mr Men at the moment!
Any book with lots of pictures. My child loves books it really doesn’t matter what it is!
Julia Donaldson Books are a firm favourite here π
They have lots of charley bear and in the night garden books they love
Anything that has dinosaurs in the story.
We love books we can all join in with like ‘we’re going on a bear hunt” the children like to get involved and makes us all smile. Anything to do with bottoms like ”no-bot” and ”whose poo” always makes them laugh a lot!
Any Julia Donaldson ones are his favourite – like Room on a Broom!
My youngest loves the Gruffalo & the gruffalo child x
Bunny and Bee books
If its to look at the pictures he likes Xmas books, but if I read to him he actually loves Charlie and the chocolate factory and Matilda
We are in love with Aliens love Underpants at the moment – The Gruffalo is also a huge favourite
Tiddler, Room on a broom and the dinosaur that pooped. x
my son loved thomas tank engine books
currently peter rabbit and co.
My little girls love traditional fairytales x
lots of different books ie disney , kipper and chip, julia donaldson . this week shes found santa needs a wee a bit early but never mind shes enjoying it
The Gruffalo
My son LOVES blloks that rhyme so anything Julia Donaldson is a hit π
my girls love all books, weve just moved the bedroom around and now the books have been moved they are being pulled out even more! they especially like books with animals which they can name π
The gruffalo and a book called Hallibut Jackson
We love all sorts but Winnie the Witch is a good series (Wilbur the cat makes us laugh)!
Roald Dahl
Michael Morpurgo stories.
my daughter loves room on the broom and the fish that could wish π
Room on the broom and gruffalo
Any and all, she is book daft π
they particularly love rhyming books so they can add the last words of the rhyme
She loves lift the flap books like Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell
The teddy bears picnic
Mine loves all the Spot Books, although the very hungry caterpillar is a big favourite too,
All of the Julia Donaldson books and Topsy and Tim
my son loves were going on a bear hunt
Spot the dog
they love the harry potter books
Penguin – by polly dunbar
“The Little Somethings” books and all by Julia Donaldson
Richard Scarrys Busy Busy World
They love the Mr Men books.
Tonight I have read my son the “stickman” and my daughter “monkey puzzle” my children love Julia Donaldson books and I enjoy reading them as well.xx
Louis loves interactive noisy books atm
My eldest loves Roald Dahl and my youngest loves Mr Men books
Anything with loud noises in!!
Julia Donaldson is a hit in our home
Winnie the Pooh and I love them as well.
loves all books
My son loves the Mr Men books!
My little girl loves Elmer books at the moment and also the Gruffalo. She still also loves the “That’s not my” collection and loves memorising the texture words!
currently Disney story books and Thomas the Tank are favourites
Anything gruffalo, he loves the interactive sounds book
Books with a selection of stories and rhymes in.
My nan bought one for Millie last week that she currently loves.
Roald Dahl books are my little ones favourites
Any of the classic fairy tales like Cinderella.
The fave at the moment is the top 10 most murderous creatures
Roald Dahl
Any book that brings into play active little boys’ fingers!
My daughter absolutely loves Room On The Broom and Guess How Much I Love You… Although I think I love them just as much as she does π
The Gruffalo
My little boy has a few that he knows off by heart including Chicken Licken and Hairy McLairy
Her current favourite is the Alfie series, she wants them read every night.
Julia Donaldson books
The Hungry Caterpillar
the very hungry caterpiller,they love it so much I know it by heart
My daughter loves the Jacqueline Wilson books, it used to be rainbow magic!!!
So many!! Gruffalo, Charlie and Lola, and may more
our daughters love any books, they are bookworms
they love anything π
Rhyming books are a favourite and my boys love books about dinosaurs x