Spring Forward: Tips To Helping Your Child Adjust To Time Change

Every year, people in the U.S. must fall back or spring forward for daylight savings. The time change is often challenging for grown-ups, but babies and young children have it harder. For youngsters, the shift is something new; they do not yet have the experience of time. Thus, for baby wellness, parents must find ways to ease the shock to the system.
Many people do not realize all the ways lifestyle plays into sleep patterns. As a parent, if you take control and manage lifestyle choices, you can help your child through the annual time change.
1. Following a Healthy Sleep Schedule
For newborn bundles of joy, schedules and patterns can make all the difference in the world. Does your house have a predictable schedule? What time do you and your little ones go to bed? What time does the family wake?
If you want to make the spring time change easier on little ones, it helps to commit to regular sleep-wake cycles. For instance, maybe little ones go to bed at eight and wake up at seven in the morning.
Additionally, it can help to set the clocks back early, sending your little ones off to bed at seven instead of eight. A little deception ensures they still get the same amount of sleep.
2. Keeping a Healthy Diet
Did you know that a healthy diet contributes to regular sleep-wake cycles? A nutritious diet ensures that the human body functions as it should. Therefore, organic baby care products can help bolster the production of sleep hormones in the evening, allowing for restful sleep.
Additionally, your child can wake more alert and ready to take on the day with appropriate nutrition. The energy should remain throughout the day, creating opportunities for active and outdoor play. The more energy your child uses during the day, the easier they will fall asleep at night. Food plays a significant role in energy stores.
3. Establish a Nighttime Routine
Aside from going to bed at a set time, families should create nighttime routines. For instance, you may want to dim the lights as the sun sets, turn off devices, and relax for the hour before bed. Essentially, you want to help your children wind down before bed.
Turning down the lights and turning off electronics can increase melatonin production. Melatonin is the body’s sleep hormone, and it helps regulate the natural time systems of the body.
4. Be Consistent
The best way to help children adjust to changes in their routines is through consistency. Having established nighttime routines and bedtimes creates predictability. When your child knows what to expect, they are less likely to fight against it. The key is showing them how the annual time change fits into their schedule. Adjusting to the time change is a challenge even for adults. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the significance of the change so you can help your child understand it. Additionally, following routines and schedules can help reduce any stress centered around the change. If you want more advice, talk to a child development expert
Just to say I read your article, about you and your young children, being insulted on the train. I feel for you having been a train traveller, myself, with a dog who was sweet, kind and vulnerable. However, I am the kind of woman who always stands up for myself and other people when I feel that their human rights are being disrespected. Good for you too for having a little cry as it gives you the strength to carry on. I cry most days as life is so hard for us women.
I know Norwich quite well as my father and his wife have lived there for many years and I have visited them many times over the years.
Best wishes to you, your children and their dad!
from Beth
Thanks so much Beth, it’s not often that people get off fences for those they don’t know and neither is it common for people to say when they are in support, more likely when against. So I really thank you for sending your kind message, it means a lot. Please take care and have a great day. Ruth