Back in April I wrote about the Autumn/Winter 2014 collection from Startrite and now that winter is upon us these gorgeous gems have actually hit the shelves and we’ve been shopping!
Florence chose her own winter boots and I think she’s done rather well don’t you?!

I know exactly why she chose them, they’re purple and they have flowers on them so of course, but she was also rather pleased when the shop assistant at Russell & Bromley told her they are water proof with their Aqua-rite linings and she has been jumping in puddles ever since!
She was quite taken with some black boots in the collection too but she has tiny feet and they didn’t start until a size 10. Sometimes this means shoes and boots can look a bit more babyish than she really wants but not so here. The Aqua Dream zip up boots are £49 and Florence was so thrilled with our purchase that she left the shop wearing them not able to wait a second longer to show them off!

I was not asked to write about the boots.
oh I love them! Perfect for winter and not in a boring colour either.