Summer Holidays 2022 – Week Five!

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Summer Holidays 2022 – Week Five!

More fun in the sun, we feel so lucky to be having such a wonderful holiday although we did have a bit of a blip when Raffie had to go to hospital with a poorly tummy. Medication for the pain, they think caused by swimming pool water he’s accidentally drunk, and a probiotic are his prescription and when the pain comes the drops really do take it away instantly. Poor poppet. He’s still enjoying his holiday though and still in the pool, just with firm instructions to keep his mouth closed!

Thought I’d try and be in some pictures!
The Kids are loving all the special things in the pool at our hotel!
And a bit of down time!
Being on stage at the mini disco!
Big kids enjoying late nights and boxing matches!
Just loving the late nights!
Loving being here!
With such a gorgeous gang!
Lots of milk, as always!
Foam party fun!
I’m not sure Posie liked it much!
Ready for dinner watching Spanish Sponge Bob!
Sun worship central!
And yet more pool fun!
All the pools!
Our sister Hotel pool is HUGE!
The ever lasting snacks!
Great gang!
The lot of them!
Oh Posie!
Oh Raffie and Rose!
Snack bar freedom!
My sister in law shading herself!
Toastie with a toastie!
All the ball games!
More ice cream of course!
Our great friends!
Ben proving a grown man can fit inside a baby’s rubber ring!
Gram and Granny on Posie duty!
It’s hard to get this boy out of the water!
Daddy at the helm of new gane Schlapp Ball!
We did have a poorly boy but tests and X-Rays later he was given the all clear for appendicitis and given a probiotic with pain killers for a tummy infection caused by pool water – he’s coping admirably and being such a trooper!
Back at the hotel where the chef prepared him some Nutella pancakes and watermelon as he’d missed breakfast!
A sleepy afternoon for the little two!
Followed by a lie in!
She’s so confident in the pool from being in it every day!
More water polo!
And for the grown ups! Papa in goal!
It wasn’t this sportsmanly during the match!
Raffie having down time!
Making his own shade, like Auntie like nephew!
Some of the boys!
And some more!
A walk to find a beach with just some of our gang!
I took some smaller group shots!
Jonny’s sister, her children and Jonny and Tory’s Dad!
Jonny and Tory with their Dad!
The Knowles kiddos!
Tiny toes on the volcanic sand!
Back at the pool with Anna!
More food!
Larking about with the Tenerife Mums!
Maybe there was wine with dinner!
Me and Anna!
Me and Tory!
Knowles girl gang!
Us doing a TOWIE!

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