Summer Holidays 2024 – Week 6 (and a bit)!

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Summer Hoidays 2024 – Week 6 (and a bit)!

I can’t believe the time has disappeared so quickly and the children are back to school tomorrow! We had SUCH a good break, the bug kids have been off for a day shy of 2 months and Raffie just two weeks less than that. It’s been BLOOMING GLORIOUS!

We didn’t stop for the last week, kept up the momentum with brilliant days out to the beach with family, trips to Woburn Safari Park with a brand for a work event, then a review at iFly in Miton Keynes meaning we had a night away in a hotel.

After that it was non-stop all weekend with a girl’s night out to see Chorus Line at the theatre, a birthday party and some good, wholesome time at home, soaking up the bubble of just us before I have to give the kiddos (and Jonny, who went back Monday) back to school.

We’ve loved it and the summer holidays 2024 have been a blast – without wanting time to march on too fast, roll on October half term eh!

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