The End Of The Summer Term 2024!

Well, here we are, the end of another school year and yet again I wonder how time manages to race so fast. Posie started nursery this last term and the end of it also spells the end of Jimmy’s first year at high school! How?! My little boy was off to the big wide world of high school this time last year and now he’s done a whole year with a rather dramatic part of the first bit of this term when he had an accident falling off his bike which thankfully he recovered from well. I love the summer and am SO thrilled to have them home for a good couple of months but I really do wish time would feel like it went slower!

What a girl! She’s not loved L5, it has to be said but she’s gallantly performed to her very best regardless! She wound up in a class away from all of her friends and felt lonely at times but she got on with it in a way that I think can only be commended. She didn’t moan (as I would have) and it wasn’t ever really until the end of the year that she admitted it wasn’t a great year at all. Regardless of the difficulties which meant missing pals and encountering bad behaviour from boys (lessons were learned I’d hoped in 2024 our girls wouldn’t have to endure) she made great friendships with people inside and outside school. She worked so incredibly hard that every single report was glowing and all her exams were passed with flying colours. On top f the educational devotion she had many balls being juggled outside of school with extra curricular work in plays and performances both for Norwich School and at Workshop Studios. So proud of our hard working girl who by the end of year production showed me a performance I think would be worthy in the west end, she’s going to go so far! BRILLIANT Florence! And she is, as ever, the kindest, most friendly, good girl with all the friends and a lot of heart!

Jimmy struggled a bit this year with breaking into new friendships at a school where almost everyone else had come together from the prep. I remember this same thing with Florence and it’s hard to make your mark as an outsider. Some decisions weren’t always made brilliantly, mistakes have been made along the way. But… At the same time he absolutely adores this school, has created some solid friendship groups and despite the bumps along the way, got a glowing school report. It was a hard last term for Jimmy after having a big accident leaving him in hospital after a major abdominal operation. But he rose, and he loved and by the last couple of weeks was back at his favourite thing, sports! He’s LOVED the core sports each term beginning with rugby, then hockey and lastly cricket. Though out for most of the cricket season he got stuck right in as soon as he could and I’ve loved watching him enjoy every second. Well done Jimmy, let’s keep going on the up! He’s great fun is Jimmy and I remembered what a little buddy he is when we got to spend so much time together when he was in hospital, a silver lining reminding me that my big baby boy is full of all the GREAT chats and information. A joy to be in the company of – most of the time!

Raffie went from loving reception to absolutely hating year one very quickly and it was kind of heart breaking. I wondered if it might get better but alas, he didn’t seem keen all throughout the year. I just don’t think they really managed to tap into the Raffster this year and I have found that very hard. He doesn’t like shouting and he needs lots of affection and year one didn’t deliver but I’m hoping year two will capture the magic again as his first year was such a success. He’s doing all the things he should be, he’s a bright boy, but with a sort of sigh and not much happiness thrown in. He has lots of friends and LOVES sport but the whole being at school has made him really unhappy throughout the year I would say and for him I am glad to see the back of this academic year. Outside school he has shone in his dancing and in football. He’s loved getting better at both and has just made me feel so proud of him taking central roles and thriving. We have GOT to get the school thing back on track so that we can have our shiny, happy boyo ALL the time and not just at weekends! He is good and kind and funny and generous and a tiny bot moody at times but we can forgive him that!

The moment I was dreading came when Posie went to nursery. One more step on the ladder to her being at school and I was nervous not just for her, but me too. She had rarely left my side until she started after Easter but she went in without any worries and aside from a tiny wobble of the lip on day two she has LOVED it and run in full of beans every time. This one is as bright as a button and is going such great guns I reckon she could actually go into reception in September and breeze her way through it but thankfully I get another year with my littlest baby who is, beyond doubt, the shining light of my week when I get to be with her instead of sending her to nursery. I send her because she loves it and I’d said I would if she did, I think she’d be gutted to have to stay at home with me instead so I’ll settle for half the week knowing she’s my happy little peach. She is friendly and kind and funny and everyone’s friend. She reminds me of her sister so much at the same age, it’s almost like going back in time, but better because I really appreciate every moment of her being this tiny!
Here are some of our best bits that took us through the summer term at school!