This week, quite frankly, can do one. It’s been exhausting. I think sinking a bucket of wine followed by shots of, aherm, sambuca and living it up like I’m 19 (midweek would you believe) cannot have helped my mood or tiredness but really, I’m so glad the end of the week has come!
So I spent one day nursing a very poorly head – I’m still in the ‘I’m never drinking again’ phase two days on it was that bad and I have not had particularly impeccably behaved children for the tail end of the week which has made me feel very grumpy.
Why do they always behave badly in front of the people you just don’t want them to that’s what I want to know?! The sour faced woman who evil eyes me (no idea why) and always has done was walking home in front of us at the exact time Florence decided to have a melt down about not being able to buy sweets after Girls Brigade. When I say melt down I mean MELT DOWN CITY, screaming and crying because I was so mean as to say no to sweets… I have to point out she had been given a cake and I DID say yes to a whopping big Twirl so it’s not like she left the tuck shop empty handed. This smug woman with her children all towing the line (I have seen them be less than model in the past I have to get in) was looking at me as if to say ‘ha ha ha’! BOLLOX!
Then today when I picked her up from school Miss Pretty told me she had been told off for running and moved down on the behavioural chart. SO. I’m rather annoyed! And Jimmy, well, Jimmy got told off for snatching and decided to head butt me in front of my friend. Thankfully I know she at least won’t judge me! Can you see why I’m glad this week is over now?
Aside from that and in other news I have worked out that Florence isn’t drinking enough at school because other people have been using her water bottle and it icks her out. She won’t eat the fruit because it’s all in one big bowl with everyone’s hands on it. Frankly I don’t blame her. I went into ‘bring your Mummy to school day’ (too sweet) and watched her face as another child dropped his apple core back into the fruit bowl after he’d eaten it and saw her almost heave with revulsion. I just couldn’t work out why she didn’t want the school water or fruit… NOW I know! So I think I’ve sorted it by explaining to school that she is like me and can’t eat if other people have germinated the bottle or food with their mouth! Yuck! And I have explained to Florence that she can wash her bottle and fruit under the tap in the classroom. It reminded me of when I was in church at my God Son’s Christening a few weeks ago and came dangerously close to having to go up and accept the wine that the rest of the congregation had had their mouths round the glass rim of… I was almost breaking out in a sweat until my best friend’s brother (and God Father to my God son) told me he wasn’t going up meaning I didn’t have to! I honestly know exactly how Florence feels about this sort of thing but hopefully now she knows she can wash everything she will drink a bit more!
ON another day, when Jimmy was actually being beautifully behaved I took him to the Science Museum and we had a gorgeous day out just the two of us. I felt a bit bad not having Florence with us but it was truly lovely to spend some quality time with my boy. And just to prove that I’m not a complete moaning grump, here are a couple of my favourite pictures from this week which hopefully, now we have started the weekend with our Tinkerbell Friday Night Treat Tea, will only get better!

Hangovers seem to get worse as I get older. 🙁
I certainly agree with the previous post. Makes me consider giving up completely.