Do you ever have a day where you just smile every time you think about it? Yesterday was one of those days. I was invited with my family to attend the Henley Regatta and have fun in the enclosure sponsored by my friends at Bugaboo. It was also an opportunity for me to see their offices for the first time as they are right on the river in Henley and to meet the newest member of the Bugaboo family, the Buffalo!
Jonny was working and couldn’t come which is the only non perfect aspect of the day. Instead my Step Mum and little sister came to help me with the children and have a nice day watching boat races with us. They live in a village very close to Henley so it would have been awful to have visited and not seen them and Florence was delighted that she got to spend the day with her big Auntie Phoebe!
We set off mega early at half seven (on a Sunday), I’d never been to the Regatta before but had been warned about the people traffic. After fighting our way on and off trains we finally arrived in beautiful Henley and meandered along the river to the Bugaboo enclosure. There we were met by the Bugaboo crew and as well as the Buffalo (I’ll come to him don’t worry), a whole array of Bugaboo products! I was in my element. My Step Mum, not that she needed to, I’m sure they know, told them that I’ve loved buggies ever since I was a little girl. And it’s true. I have. Bugaboo however, is and always has been (well since I saw Gwyneth with her Frog anyway) my buggy make of choice; to be surrounded by them as decoration is a bit of an exciting day for me in itself never mind the Regatta!
We had such a lovely day in the enclosure. We drank Pimms, watched boat races and tennis (It was of course the Wimbledon final too) and got to lie on comfy sun loungers while the children played and frolicked. Another blogger I know very well was also there and our children had such fun playing games with children’s entertainers Sharky and George, having their faces painted superbly and even going swimming in the river! The sun shone long and the faces smiled hard. It was a perfect day.

And do you know what else exciting happened? I got to take the Buffalo for a walk. Jimmy and I wandered down the river for a stroll in the buggy that isn’t even on sale yet. he must be one of the first babies ever to take a trip in a Buffalo which to me is a bit of a coup actually! I also got to see the offices (seriously worth mentioning, I want to LIVE in them let alone work – something one of the lovely girls from Bugaboo had practically been doing in the run up to the Regatta) and nosy around the new products. I love the new breezy sun canopy which has had a make-over recently although I’d not really got to inspect the old one. I loved the zipped pocket which revealed a net to be pulled over the baby shielding entirely from the sun when needed!
And the Buffalo? Well, of course I loved it too! It pushed like a 4×4 car feels and although similar to a Cameleon at first glance, it is in fact, entirely different! Bigger all terrain wheels, a clip for hanging your bag and a HUGE under storage basket were things that immediately caught my eye. It pushed, well it pushed like a Bugaboo of course, to perfection and without fault. Florence said ‘This is a new Bugaboo, where is our Bugaboo?’ I think she was worried that I might have swapped it for our Donkey and could see her chance of having a seat slipping away slightly! We’re not ready to give up either of our Bugaboo buggies but that’s not to say we don’t want the Buffalo as well! Who wouldn’t? Just wait until you see it in the shops! I want to inspect it a bit more too, it has some really interesting design features and I want to see it folded so I guess I’ll just have to have another look won’t I!

And that was it… Our lovely day at the Henley Regatta with Bugaboo. Time for one more ice cream before the long, LONG but ever so worth it, train journey home!

I was not paid to write this post.
fab pics! we have a red Bugaboo