The Magic of the Euro Kingdom!
- September 15th, 2011
Tired. That’s the word of my week I would say… When I was pregnant in my first trimester with Florence I really learned the definition of tiredness and feel I am now an expert. With regards to ailments and side effects after 12 weeks it was like a switch, everything changed and I felt fantastic but that initial tiredness was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I remember coming home from work and literally falling into bed as soon as I’d eaten my supper. It is why I realized at the beginning of last week that the tiredness I have been feeling recently is something more than just the accumulation of a few bad nights sleep with Florence. As I did the math and realized I was a few days late the dawning came and I did a pregnancy test! I am happy to announce, early though it is, that Jonny, Florence and I are having a new family member join us early May next year. I have this past week realized that if I thought I was tired last time I was pregnant someone ought to really have come along and beaten me with a stick because the reality is I didn’t have a demanding toddler to entertain back in the luxury of my first pregnancy. Now, I think I have moved into a whole new stratosphere of tiredness! Ah well, bring on week 12 when I feel absolutely sure I will be grand again. I enjoyed my second and third trimesters so much last time and I am banking on it being the same again, so fingers crossed… I will be adding a pregnancy diary to my weekly blog and will be trying out some fabulous products and clothes that have been sent to me so if you too are in the same position as me, feeling exhausted and not sure which things to buy and which not to bother with then do come back and see us here and find out what we’ve found useful each week!
Probably not listening to my body, although how I would have the time to do that I don’t know, we have of course been as busy as ever. With an extra head in the household we are going to need another income more than ever! It’s especially annoying then that my ‘Tabib’ business is slow going as per normal. I have a new contact now and hopefully they will be in production sooner rather than later meaning I can get selling but this whole process is very disheartening. I am also hoping to keep making money out of my writing so I am coming up with more and more ideas on how I’m going to do that and this here blog shall be moving to my own website very soon , it’s going to look great and I can’t wait!
So, things we have been doing this week… Well, it’s been a truly exciting week for us Rocknrollerbaby’s I can tell you. Florence, who has never shown any signs of being interested in ‘Mickey Mouse’ or anything ‘Disney’, now has on the tip of her tongue ‘Mick Mick Mouse!’ as soon as the television comes on. I wouldn’t say he has taken over her beloved ‘Peppa Pig’ or ‘Ben and Holly’ but he is certainly a main feature in her thoughts and vocabulary. And what is the cause of this sudden change and fondness? Well I have to say it was our recent trip to ‘Disneyland Paris’, it must have just been in the air because we didn’t mention it but before we’d even got off the train she was chattering away about the world’s oldest comical mouse and was whipped up into a frenzy of excitement. I was reluctant to join her never having been a ‘Disney’ fan myself. I’ve always found ‘Disney’ smiles a little bit sickening and I’m just a bit skeptical of the whole magic kingdom stuff… A few days before going we had watched a program where a geeky English boy said to an all American cheerleading girl ‘You look like a princess, not one of our English horse faced ones but a proper ‘Disney’ Princess’. We sniggered at that cause it totally fitted in with my preconceptions of everything ‘Disney’ but actually now that I’ve been I’m in, not hook, line and sinker, I’m not about to start dressing Florence in ‘Disney’ clothes and buying her ‘Disney’ branded Princess dresses (not when you can get ‘Sainsbury’s own for a fraction of the price anyway) but I had a lovely and dare I say it, magical day!
We started out our day trip (yes that’s right, there and back in a day – is it possible?) by getting to London St Pancras International for the Eurostar at the very reasonable time of 9am. The train that would take us directly to the park didn’t leave until 09.41 but Jonny and I had been panicking mildly that even though we’d been told to arrive half an hour before departure, this wasn’t going to be enough time. When you fly anywhere you have to be at the airport two hours before hand and so travelling to another country, it just doesn’t seem reasonable or possible that you could just stroll up to a train half an hour before it’s departure incurring minimal fuss and just get on it and travel to France. But you can. It was so easy and can be so reasonably priced compared to flying that I don’t really see many benefits of trekking to an airport to endure hours and hours of being checked over and over again when you can do it in a far more civilized way, in far less time and equally as safely on Eurostar. Of course we were on the direct train to the park so our journey was probably with far more children and adults willing to accept other children but I have to say, having travelled on Eurostar before it is the perfect environment to be travelling with a child. The seats are very spacious and comfortable, so if you are stuck with an infant on your lap all the way it’s not too much trouble. It seemed to me that most people with children had been seated with a table which I’m sure must have been deliberate and the tables have a surface that can be extended for when eating and drawing etc or folded away so that you have more leg room; I couldn’t fault it. The journey was fast, seamless and very appealing. It was exciting to be on a train in England one minute, then through the tunnel in twenty minutes to another country, we found the whole experience very relaxing. Florence slept on the way there but was wide awake all the way home yet she enjoyed the journey and because there is ample room to move around it was really not a problem at all. The fact that it was the train straight from the park meant there were lots of other over excited children, but everyone, adults included got talking and the children occupied each other until we reached London. There is an onboard buffet service providing drinks and snacks but we had no problem taking our own lunch with us and actually with the drinks being fairly pricey on board I’m glad we did. For a treat however it could be quite nice to enjoy a glass of wine from the bar which I watched lots of other Mums and dads enjoying! I would recommend travel with Eurostar in every way. I’d recommend it over flying because of the lack of fuss and ease and the comfort compared to a plane is undoubted. Couple all that with the fact that your carbon footprint is so much less and it’s a no brainer really!
Eurostar operates on direct service per day from London St Pancras International to Disneyland Resort Paris with return fares from as little as £69. The fastest journey time is an impressive 2 hours and 47 minutes and tickets are available by visiting or calling 08432 186 186.
When we arrived at the Disneyland Resort in Paris we were a little amazed at what we saw. Everything really was just like you see on television and it was all a bit overwhelming and thoroughly exciting. The resort is like a whole new world (excuse the phrase – not intentional but it really is!) with castles and buildings and it’s just breathtaking to see. We easily found where we had to go to pick up our tickets and we were very lucky to have VIP fast track passes which meant we wouldn’t have to queue for long times on lots of the rides. We only had 6 hours to see everything and this included the Studios, a separate park next door so we had to get on it and do all the things I had researched. I don’t usually do much research about where I am going before visiting somewhere as I like to see it with fresh eyes and no expectations but today it was imperative as we had to get as much in as absolutely possible. We visited during the Magical Moments Festival, a year long celebration at the park featuring 14 new magical moments to enjoy such as shows and encounters with the characters and we wanted to take full advantage of this and see one of the famous ‘Disney’ Parades. We worked our day round the 5pm parade and it was the absolute high light of the day. We visited the Castle, we went on children’s rides in abundance, Jonny (and not the newly pregnant me) went on some of the super duper adult rides and we just basked in this glitter covered land for a day and soaked up the special atmosphere I don’t think you’d find anywhere else. We also visited, although briefly, the Studios next door and we took a back stage tram ride around some film sets which was fascinating and fun at the same time. Do we have theme parks in the UK? Yes we do. Are they easier to get to and less expensive? Quite probably. But this isn’t just any theme park, this is an ‘experience’ and it’s one I’m truly glad I’ve had. I may not have tried it off my own back but I would have missed something if I hadn’t. I wouldn’t do it in a day again, it’s just not enough time. I like to leave somewhere wanting more but we’d barely covered a postage stamp, this place is HUGE! I couldn’t understand how people went on holiday to ‘Disney’ for a week or more, either here in Paris or in the States, it just didn’t appeal to me but having been here, having felt this atmosphere for myself for one day and talked to other families on the journey home who had indeed been for their holidays, I’d certainly want to go back.
For Florence there was just oodles and oodles to see. I keep trying to imagine, as I always do, what it must have been like from her perspective and I simply can’t do it. It would have just seemed unbelievable for her I’m sure. Watching her face as the Parade came round was simply delightful. She was enchanted, as were we. I didn’t want to and I certainly didn’t think I would be but I am a total convert, I loved it. And what’s most important is so is Florence. It was very, very busy. Don’t expect to get on all the rides you want to go on, even with a fast track pass. We visited out of season and when the schools had just gone back but it was still bursting at the seams. It was very expensive for food and drink in there but I think the whole experience is such a one off and such a treat you would have to just forget about the money and get on with it. It’s worth saving up for, it’s a treat worth experiencing but do take a few days to do it. There are many different packages including staying at one of the resort’s hotels. Other people on our train home had stayed in some of these hotels and they had all had a fabulous stay. With these packages you can choose so many different options, even having your luggage taken straight from the train to your hotel so as not to eat into your park time, but it would be very hard for me to recommend a package that most would suit your family. Visit for more information. Back in Blighty and back to reality we were exhausted but have such great memories even though our visit was very short and as we look at the photos it’s with a bit of wonder that we were actually there at all?! Another country and the Magic Kingdom all in one day? Yes it’s possible, we did it!
Don’t forget to enter my Trunki competition by the way! It’s to win the Trunkisaurus accessories! It closes on the 23rd September so hurry and get your entries in! All you need to do is send your best children’s joke and contact details to [email protected] by midnight on the closing date! Wondering what a Trunkisaurus is? Take a look below!
So, I told you earlier how I discovered my new pregnancy news through my extreme tiredness. I just knew it because it was exactly the same when I was pregnant with Miss Florence. It’s funny though because this time I seem to have these waves of extreme nausea which I’m sure I don’t remember from last time. It’s not enough or long enough to actually make me throw up but it’s very unpleasant and they just hit me out of nowhere, one minute I’m fine and the next I’m almost having a hot flush and my head starts to spin which makes me feel sick. It’s strange and I don’t like it. I’ve been sent a dab to put on my wrists which is hopefully going to help but I’ll be able to let you know more about that when I’ve had a chance to properly use it. Although I am very happy to be pregnant and it really shouldn’t have been a shock as Jonny and I were not actively trying to prevent a pregnancy and hoping fate would deliver us a new baby at some point, strangely I was really rather taken aback. I just hadn’t expected it for some reason? Which is just silly I know but it really did take my breath away! The news has sunk in now though and I am starting to let myself get a little bit excited although this is also coupled with many anxieties. Firstly I wasn’t taking folic acid so I’m worried about that! My Doctor says it won’t make a difference as long as I start now but I can’t help but think I should have been taking it. I’m also worrying about the scans and even things as far into the future as how Florence will cope with having a new baby. She’s a very good girl when it comes to babies and is very gentle but it may be a whole different story having one at home with us forever? Who knows, only time will tell! I remember worrying when I was pregnant with her that I wouldn’t love the baby? I mean how could I have done that? She is the light of my life, the actual light of my life, not just a phrase I am repeating because it fits with the sentence. I literally couldn’t love her more. But now I am worrying that I couldn’t possibly love another person as much as I love her. My friends with two children have told me that you just suddenly have more love, they don’t know how but you do?! I know this will be the case but I still can’t help but worry about it and I can’t help but worry my Florence may feel left out too… Oh to be a Mother? Is there ever a day when guilt won’t creep in somewhere… So for now I can’t tell you much apart from the fact that I am worried and sick and tired which isn’t very interesting but next week when I hopefully will have had my dating scan and met up with my amazing midwife there will be more to mention! And as for products this week, well I’m going straight to the Bio Oil! I’m proud to say I don’t have a single stretch mark from being pregnant last time and I put on an incredible 4 stone then so I’ll be slathering up like a slippery eel once again! Ooooh Jonny will be pleased! Talking of putting on baby weight and craving food, although I’d rather not of course, did you know that it’s national cupcake baking week this week? Well you do now and it’d be rude not to with that knowledge wouldn’t it! Especially if you’re pregnant, surely that’s a cupcake green light if ever I saw one?! If you like baking take a look at and get in the ‘cupcake week’ spirit! They also have superb cupcake sets for £2.15 which are currently on offer in Morrisons for £1.08 Something to satisfy any pregnant craving I’ll bet! Check out their Facebook page for more cupcake inspiration! Also, how spooky is this and it’s not even Halloween yet! My Mum’s been clearing out her loft and unpacking boxes she shoved up there when she moved in 27 years ago for the first time! This is one of the things she found this week! It’s not only a retro ‘Greens Cake’ mix but it has ‘Disney’ decorations??!! Couldn’t have made that up could I! Unfortunately it expired in 1985 so I think I’ll nip to Morrisons when I get the urge to bake but still… What a find!
Catch up with us next week when I’ll be bringing you news from Sea Life Centre’s, launching a new competition and catching you up with week 8 of my pregnancy! From now until then have fun with your own days out and for any inspiration you might be looking for within the capital do read my other work at!