The Start Of The Autumn/Michelmas Term 2024!

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The Start Of The Autumn/Michelmas Term 2024!

I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty bloody pissed off that it’s back to school. I know my kids need an education, and I get that real life has to resume, but this year is the last for me having a pre-schooler. It’s the end of an era and if I could delay that a smidge I’d really rather. Plus, I LOVE having them home. I am allowed to say that, even amongst the sea of women my age sharing how jubilant they feel to send the kids back. We seem to live in a world where it’s become fashionable to say they’re “little you know what’s” and FINALLY we can boot them out the door?! It almost feels like it’s much more accepted these days to say how awful it is looking after your own children, entertaining them and spending all your time in their company?! To say “I love this and am dreading their return because I’ll miss them” seems to make people snarl. But I do, and I will, and I’m unapologetic for it! And I’m not trying to be a hero, not wanting to say there aren’t hard bits! My goodness, we’ve had some hard bits, with bad behaviour and all sorts, but ultimately, I like being in my children’s company. I would much rather be with them all day, every day, than stuck in the middle of the grind as I call it!

I’m annoyed at giving them back to the system where now, more than ever before, I can’t just say “they’re MY kids, I know what’s best for them, and they won’t be in today!” I mean, obviously I still will, but I’ll probably have to lie about it!

I’m raising intelligent, brilliant kiddos. It’s a privilege to share all my time with them. So without wishing the time away too much, here’s to half term and it not taking too long to get there!

The start of the academic year for 2024, and this is where we are all at!


She goes into Middle 5/Year 10, starts her GCSE’s, wants to take on all the drama and the musicals, is keen to dance and sing and be brilliant! And she will be! She was looking forward to going back after half a day shy of two month’s off and has great plans to make all her things work, from study to dance. She’s been asked to talk to the new co-hots of L4s today, about her journey so far and she’s already been practicing for that. Always studying and wanting to be the best – keep being you Florence!


He loved last year but had a bit of a blip at the end following his accident, and not quite feeling right. However, he’s so excited to set it all back to the start for Upper 4/Year 8 and show the world what he’s made of. This year, hopefully no accidents, he will throw himself into ALL the sports and I think he wants to do the plays and theatre too – who’d miss out on gala at the end of the year if they didn’t have to?! He is also going to talk to the new L4s today to impart some wisdom – he gave it a few minutes thought and said “right, got it!” showing he is very much his own Jimmy!


Having hated Year 1, I’m so hopeful that Raffie in Year 2 will be back to his reception happy faces for the end of every day. He’s going to take maths by storm if the summer and his addiction to Number Blocks and learning the times tables is anything to go by and he’s keen to see his friends but like me, he’d rather it was still the school holidays – my baby Raffie!


One more year of nursery for my littlest babe and I can’t even really think about that being the case. I just have to say it very quickly and not take it in. She’d be happy at home, but she also does love nursery and this year it’s going to be on the school site so perhaps less of a transition for the both of us this time next year?! Not that I’m ever going to be OK with that, I never have been for any of them and still wish I had them all home. You know me! But Posie could literally walk into reception today and be absolutely brilliant, so this year is going to be fantastic for her with the best of both worlds!

And one more of Posie Popple Chops because she is the photograph Queen and always makes us laugh!

So that’s it, back to school for the start of the new academic year for my lot! They will be excellent and I will miss them, but at least the house may get tidied!

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