Florence is a real girlie girl, just like her Mummy and as soon as there is make up about she’s in it quick smart! She’s always liked to just rummage through my collection (extensive) and ask me ‘what’s this?’ or ‘how do you use that’? and she gets very excited if I say she can have a little bit on too. She also thinks it’s pretty brilliant if I let her put make up on me or do my hair. Her teacher, Miss Pretty, who has very long hair has even let Florence plait it and play with it which is super sweet.
Then there’s nail varnish… She LOVES nail varnish and although I usually restrict it to toes only, I do let her have it on her fingers if it’s the holidays or perhaps for a weekend. The other day I caught her painting her friend’s nails which I was a bit horrified about over the natural coloured carpet but they were having such fun I had to just keep my fingers crossed and let it go. The carpet was fine!
I knew then that she would be mega into the Orbeez Hand Spa from Character and couldn’t wait to try it out with her. A very gentle hand spa for children over the age of 5 which mainly uses sensations from the water beads to relax and pamper little hands. It also comes with a three way nail file to preen those little nails and because it looks very grown up I thought Florence would not only love having her own hands treated but she would enjoy treating me to a hand spa too.
I did wonder if it might lose its shine after the first use but I’m happy to say it’s not a one minute wonder, not by a long shot. From the moment it came out of the box she has had an absolutely brilliant time playing with it and asked to used it every single day. She does indeed use it and pretend she is the beauty therapist giving out treatments but she also uses it on herself and it’s very sweet to watch.
It’s a very simple thing really, a bowl which takes 3 x AA batteries, a little fountain part which you clip to the side and then you fill it with the orbeeze water beads. It comes with a large pack and advises you use half which I thought might mean we were forever having to buy new ones but the Orbeez seem to last and last and can be re-used. I’m not sure if they’re expected to but ours certainly do – the ones that we don’t squelch of course! I’ve just drained the bowl and popped what we used back in the Orbeez resealable bag and out they’ve come again the next time!

Once you switch the bowl on the water starts flowing around it and squirting out of a little stem which hits the water on the top of the fountain and makes it run down which makes it look very professional. It also comes with a hand massage which has a cuticle stick and a nail file on it and Florence has felt very grown up using it. She absolutely loves this toy and I know I’d never have chosen it for her as I would have assumed it would be one of those things that gets shoved in a cupboard to get dusty. No dust on ours yet and shouldn’t think there will be for some time to come!

We were sent an Orbeez hand Spa for the purpose of an honest review.