Two years ago for his birthday, Jimmy was given a Thomas The Tank Engine which you could make up out of building bricks. He took him everywhere we went and I knew, at some point, he would get lost. We tried very hard to keep a hold of Thomas, we tried to persuade Jimmy to leave him at home because he was the clear favourite of all of the toys but the inevitable happend and we’ve now spent a long time trying to replace, what we now call ‘original Thomas’.
However, it seems that this toy he loved SO much just isn’t for sale anymore and all the replacements that we have tried have not been well received. Sure, he likes them, they’re Thomas and he likes Thomas, but… They just haven’t matched up to that first one who came apart and could be put back together again…
And then…
Last week I was sent a new Mega Bloks Thomas & Friends set to review. The Zooming Along at Brendam Docks set came in a big box with a Thomas, who can be put together and take apart using the Mega Bloks, sat in the top right hand corner. He has a button which makes him go on his own around the track once it is built making him entirely different from our ‘Original Thomas’ but… As soon as Jimmy saw hime he said:
‘My Thomas has come home!’

It’s pretty similar to original Thomas but obviously this one moves aking him, in Jimmy’s eyes, even better I think. I don’t know if he thinks Original Thomas just went on holiday, got a bit souped up and has now returned or if he knows that this one is actually realy different but either way, he is more pleased with this Thomas than any other we have tried to replace ‘Original Thomas’ with. He loves it!

And, the set it prety fantastic too!

Thomas the Tank Engine actually chuffs along the dock’s looping tracks and as you send him through the Sodor Shipping Co. warehouse, past the checkpoints, under the coal chute, and over the elevated bridge, all by simply turning him on OR pushing him if you prefer, the story comes to life in your hands! Cranky the Crane is there to help too, with his working lifting hook for heavy loads. But the two are happiest when working together, and when Thomas passes by, Cranky starts to spin – Jimmy thinks this bit is brilliant! Build the docks and track, and use the stickers to add detail to blocks. It’s all in a day’s work with Thomas and Cranky! Jimmy has also put the set together with his other building bricks and made some fantastic creations of his own, all with Thomas involved too! Jimmy loves the little things about the set: The fact that Cranky really can move and his crane and hook can be used and that there are lumps of coal to fall through the chute and into the carriage are two of the favourite features!
I helped Jimmy build it up the first time by following the instructions but Jimmy can do it all on his own now so it’s fairly easy. He has been playing with it for days now and doesn’t want to put it away in favour of another toy coming out just yet! This would be a GREAT Christmas present we think. Take a look at the video below to see what fun we’ve been having!
Thomas And Friends Zooming Along At Brendam Docks. RRP £49.99. Suitable for ages 2-5.
We were sent this set for the purpose of an honest review.
This looks a brilliant toy, I have a nephew ‘Thomas’ so definitely one for the Xmas list because I’m sure my sister wants to be inundated with Thomas the Tank Engine merch 😉 xx
Ha ha ha! LOVe that! x
My daughter loves Thomas!
Great toy! My daughter would love this
My twins love trains and MegaBloks so this would be perfect for them – Santa may have to be informed that they would like one! It looks so colourful and just perfect for hours of lovely playing to be had with it!
So glad you managed to replace ‘ Original Thomas’!
This set sounds fantastic and definitely something i’ll keep an eye out for, for my nephew!
My son loved Thomas – he is about to become a father so I hope that his offspring has the same good taste, thanks.