Thomas the Tank Engine is 70 years old this year would you believe? I knew that I remembered him from my own childhood but I had no idea he’d been on the scene even before my own parents were born! It’s amazing to think he’s been entertaining children for such a long time and right now, for us, Jimmy one of his biggest fans!
I remember one of my cousins being a tiny bit obsessed with Thomas when he was a little boy and it’s really funny that all these years late Jimmy is just like he was. There’s something about little boys and trains and Thomas just hits the right notes! The stories can actually be quite complicated and technical but I think that makes them love it even more!

I think the love of all things Thomas had already happened by the time he turned one which just shows how flipping awesome the programme is. By the time he hit his second birthday quite a few of his presents were Thomas related and one of them was a Duplo train set with a Duplo Thomas. Along with his wobbly wobbly piggy, Duplo Thomas (or original Thomas as we now call him) came everywhere with us and if we ever couldn’t find him it was a bit like melt down city. Then… The inevitable happened when you have a toy which comes apart in lots of pieces and you take it with you everywhere you go… Original Thomas went on a little solo journey and we’ve not seen him since. To say Jimmy is upset is a bit of an understatement. We bought a new Thomas but still have hope we might one day find Original Thomas in a very hidey secret place, you never know!

Thomas was created by the Reverend W. Awdry and shows an idealistic world where trains are powered by steam and they talk. I think the show has done really well to update and modernise lots of it without losing the charming old-fashioned element to it. It promotes a world of imagination, fun and really just teaches children how to be a good person with strong values like hard work and helping being main points of the stories. It’s also about friendship of course and working together as all the trains including Thomas tell the stories. Jimmy’s favourites are James and Toby but he is rather keen on all of them!
To celebrate Thomas turning 70 Jimmy was sent a Thomas & Friends Playset to have fun with and he is utterly thrilled, especially as he is still missing his original Thomas so much! It’s really good fun and JUST what a little boy like Jimmy is into. You can even fold up the side and take it with you when you go to a friend’s! He’s had lots of fun playing with it, look!
Jimmy loves the Thomas & Friends Rattling Railsss playset which is a super price at £19.99 but currently on offer for £14.99 in Smyths. Definitely a brilliant value toy with lots of wow factor and Thomas appeal. We love the little Thomas train that comes with it! We were also sent, rather wonderfully, a busy bee James painted like a bumble bee! This is especially brilliant for Jimmy as his full name is Jimmy Buster Bumblebee! This James was made for him and is in the Take-nPlay collection just like the playset so he also works on the track and can rattle the railsss!

I don’t see Jimmy’s love of Thomas The Tank Engine waning any time soon and I’m sure when the new feature length movie ‘Sodor’s Legend of the Lost Treasure’ comes out as well as the new mini-series ‘Dinos and Discoveries’ which are both being released in this milestone year, he will be glued to them!
Find out more about Thomas and his special birthday here
We were sent the items in this post for the purpose of an honest review.