This week Jimmy has been an utter nightmare when it comes to sleep! I thought we’d turned a corner a while back, I really did! He was sleeping well and going to bed easily but now! Oh NOW! He is like a maniac in the evenings and races around as if he’s fired up on something destroying everything in his wake. A few nights ago he eventually fell asleep standing up on the sofa having previously been sitting on my head and climbing all over me. It’s very, very wearing and I’m not sure what to do about it.
The thing is I am so very tired because of it and it’s definitely affecting how I go about my day. This morning I went to the supermarket and I used a self service machine. I rang all my shopping in and then as I left the store with my bag I simply couldn’t remember paying. I had no recollection of getting my cards out but I’d left the store and no one had stopped me so surely I had? I went to the bank and they searched to see my transactions but found nothing. Embarrassed I returned to the shop to say I thought I might not have paid.
They must have thought I was a complete and utter nutter as I explained I’m just tired and must have forgotten but they were very nice about it, let me pay and sent me on my way with a thanks for coming back. Apparently no one has ever gone back to explain themselves when similar things have happened. Still, HOW embarrassing! To top things off I then went to meet Florence from school a whole hour early because I’d read the time wrong. Tiredness is the name if the week this week I tell you!
The one excellent thing about this week is that Florence is LOVING school and when we had to get her early one afternoon for a dentist appointment she was most upset as apparently I had brought her out of class just as Mr Foxy had got the things out for them to make samosas. She was upset because she had to LEAVE school which is so very different to how she was feeling a couple of weeks ago. She still goes in and hugs Miss Pretty every morning so as far as I’m concerned we’re over the hump! She even said the other day, of her own accord, that she was thinking about taking baby meerkat out of her bag as she probably doesn’t need him at school any more… She’s decided to keep him for a bit but we’re definitely getting there!
And she LOVES learning to read while I am so proud of her progress! She wrote a bit of a Christmas list (I know, already) on the black board the other day all on her own and it was ACE! I flipping love phonics! We’ve had a good yet exhausting week with lots of good school times and some treats despite our fatigue finished off with a Peppa Pig theme for our Friday Night Treat Tea!