I recently was introduced to the lovely Victoria Green who makes absolutely stunning wash bags, make up bags, vanity cases as well as gifts and was totally drawn to the lovely leopard print that she uses. The colours are all so vivid and though some of them are traditional, others are very avant garde, they all have something bright on them with a trim to contrast and draw the eye!
I was very kindly sent a ‘Emma’ hanging wash bag in Leopard Tan which has the most gloriously vivid orange trim to it and though some might say it’s too good for camping (I mean look at it) it proved to be the handiest little thing on a recent family festival trip with all its different bags and pockets and zips. The best bit is that the bags pop off so when Jonny trekked his way down the field to have a festival shower he didn’t have to carry the whole kit and caboodle and could just take the pocket containing shower gel and tooth brushes (it’s all he needed apparently)! It handily pops on and off which is really helpful!

To be honest I hate reviews for products like this and I do my level best not to write them because I always think everything sounds so samey. I tend to keep my reviews as visuals on Instagram and save the blog for the meaty work however at least you know, I hope, when I do agree to do one as I have here , that it’s because I really feel like writing about the product.

I suppose what it is really is that for a wash bag or similar there’s very little to say, so the same terms parp out ‘It’s SO handy’, ‘It’s good value’, ‘I love it’ and the words can all sound a bit disingenuous. Honestly though… This is very handy and though it’s expensive for a wash bag (£32), I do think it’s good value. Oh! And I do absolutely love it! Its other merits are that it wipes clean (ace if you take it into a muddy field like me) and surprisingly small considering all the things it will happily house!

So true… Reviews might not be the most riveting of topics but I hope that you’ve enjoyed this one because clearly the bag is a good one and I like to support small business. When I met Victoria I just thought she was so super lovely and really passionate about her bags – I would be too, they’re gorgeous!
I was gifted my bag.