What could be better than a Warburtons crumpet?
They’re thick, unctuously soft, toast to perfection with a crisp top all the while staying fluffy in the middle… I’d go a long way for one I can tell you! Supermarket own brands do quite well on lots of products, they do! I swear some simply MUST be made in the same factory by the same people but… There are a few items which you HAVE to have the branded goods for and Warburtons crumpets are one of them!
I recently bought Aldi crumpets even though the Warburtons ones were right next to them, winking at me from their double the thickness stance. I’m not sure why I did it but I guess there must have been a money saving somewhere. They SO weren’t worth it! Horrible they were, thin, scraggy and basically just a vessel for a bit of butter to melt right through and make a mess the other side on. I don’t usually have a bad word to say about Aldi but crumpets they just can’t do and being a crumpet fan I’ve tried lots. Warburtons crumpets most definitely have the crown. They come in packs of 6, 8 and 9. Nine. I always go nine… You can never have too many crumpets lurking in the cupboard.
However… Yesterday I had a delivery of a new crumpet and… I have to say I think they’re even better than Warburtons crumpets!
They are… Could only be… Of course…
How good!

Now, while there definitely isn’t a better crumpet than a Warburtons crumpet (in my opinion) I think I have to say that bigger, has GOT to be better. They are actually double the size but don’t worry, they still fit inside the toaster. They still taste the same too! They just, you know, give you MORE! More is better. Well done Warburtons!
I like crumpets with melted cheese on the top, cheese on crumpet as opposed to cheese on toast. Lovely. Warbutons suggest you try with tomoatoes, mushrooms AND cheese or serve with marscapone and summer fruits to take crumpets to a new level. I bet garlicky, creamy mushrooms would be awesome too, and scrambled eggs, maybe baked beans or spaghetti hoops… Basically, using crumpets to serve anything you would usually have on toast. And I reckon you could have a really sophisticated afternoon tea with clotted cream and jam on top just as you would a scone… Mmm, the possibilities for the GIANT crumpet!

It also has to be said that serving them simply with butter (real butter WITH salt – well, if you’re doing it then you may as well DO it) is also just about perfect. There probably isn’t a wrong way to dish up a crumpet but simple and meltingly buttery is absolutely right! with a nice cup of tea, made in a tea pot and not just a bag dunked in the cup. The ultimate comfort nibble and sip for rainy, cold and dismal October elevenses. And afternoonses. Oh and eveningses… And then breakfast the next day before elevenses come around again!

I don’t allow myself a crumpet very often because, as you can understand from the way I’ve already spoken about them, I love them just a bit TOO much and can get to a point where I don’t know when to stop popping them in the toaster… (I had four in one sitting the last time I had them. FOUR!) But I do ALWAYS have them in the fridge for the children as they like to have them for breakfast. They got to try the GIANT ones from the hamper as I just didn’t trust myself not to eat them all… Although, I guess I’d feel better about saying I’d only eaten two even though I’d know really it was the same as four… And we were sent two packs of giant ones which come in twos and really would amount to 8 (this is like Ross from Friends when he got a spray tan) and I reckon I’d manage it… It was probably best to just not go there and give them to the children instead!

They loved them but luckily for me couldn’t quite finish them (rookies) so… Mummy had a bite too… YUM!
I adore the new GIANT crumpets and will constantly have a stock supply.
Thank you Warburtons for my gorgeous hamper.
TOTALLY AGREE that Warburtons crumpets are the ONLY crumpets to eat. They are so so good!!!!!! Bloody hope my Tesco start stocking the giant ones…. I WANT! x
Oh I do love crumpets 🙂 especially in the winter
My son is crumpet mad & we usually get Warburtons…may have to try the Aldi ones!
I suddenly feel the urge to go shopping for some crumpets! Nom Nom!
I’ve just eaten a massive roast dinner, apple crumble and custard, and 3 of the kids halloween sweeties but this had made my mouth water! I want buttery crumpets and a hot cup of tea now!
Nothing beats a warburtons crumpet!! x
I love a Warburtons Crumpet.. Toasted so crispy and smothered in butter. Yummy!!
I love crumpets with honey on them, as a great breakfast treat!
great love these we do
Wow! Need to find these 😉
Oh they’re amazing! 🙂