Who’s Fence Is It Anyway?!

There are certain things I notice about myself getting older which would have the younger, twenty something me, laughing her head off. I’d much rather have a night in, than a night out these days for example. But it doesn’t end there, no! I find myself being rather impressed by things like other people’s fences. The twenty something me wouldn’t have noticed whether there even was a fence in the vicinity, let alone whether I liked it or not. But now I drive around the countryside noting the ones which are to my taste, those that definitely need an overhaul and, my personal faves, the ones I’d like to have in my own garden!
We are on the end in our house, and as such, responsible for a vast amount of fencing. I think this is why it’s become my raison d’etre. I jest, I’m not that sad, but still… It’s worth paying attention when someone has a jolly good fence!
Where did they buy it, who put it up for them, is this something I could do myself?! (I’ve come to the conclusion on the latter that the answer is most certainly not) and more importantly, how long is it lasting?! Because you want a fence that’s going to see you for at least a decade in my book, longer if we’re being totally honest! And my best advice would be to contact a local fencing company because, after all, if you want an expert job then you’re going to need to ask an expert!
These days a fence doesn’t have to be boring (as you are probably now assuming I am)! You don’t have to have regular fence panels that just gift a sectioning off of an area, the choices are now varied and vast. How about wire, rails, or even netting instead of the traditional boards. There’s a house near me with a lattice of criss, crossed strips of wood, and I think it’s my most favourite one yet!
Go to the garden centre and get a really good feel for the different options, which will work best for you and then price it up before speaking to your local expert. My neighbours had a team in the other day who did their entire fence in a couple of hours and you know what?! It’s utterly transformed their garden. Fencing is more than just a job to achieve something, it’s all about the aesthetics these days, well, to match the quality!
So, before you order your fence and pop it up yourself, think carefully, because it’s going to be in your garden for a very long time if it’s done right the first time!