I’m a big fan of Weebles and have been since I was a child when they were considerably smaller than they are these days!

The fact they’ve doubled in size doesn’t take away from any of the fun of the Weebles that wobble but don’t fall down and my children enjoy playing with them just as much as I did when I was little. A while back Peppa Pig and friends were even turned into their own Weeble characters and we were sent a Weeble Peppa to review with her train (read the review here). Jimmy is a massive fan of Peppa Pig but somehow he doesn’t think of his Peppa Weeble as being her at all and instead refers to her only as ‘wobbily, wobbily piggy’ and he has taken such a shine that she comes with us wherever we go. I mean WHEREVER we go. Along with his Duplo Thomas the Tank Engine she is now very well travelled indeed and is familiar with tubes and probably the whole of London where I frequently think we’ve lost her and panic until I find her again, usually at the bottom of the footmuff in the buggy!

Jimmy is SO keen on his wobbily, wobbily piggy that I absolutely jumped at the chance to review some of the latest Weeble collection which is called ‘Weebledown Farm‘! Not just a wobbily, wobbily piggy but a wobbily, wobbily sheep, wobbily, wobbily horse, wobbily, wobbily, chicken… You see where I’m going….
We were sent the Wobbily Farm Mill and Barn which comes with a wobbily, wobbily cockerel and Jimmy has played with very little since we opened it. Well, aside from his Thomas and his original Wobbly, Wobbly Piggy that is! The farm is great and interconnects with the base of each animal Weeble that you can buy separately.

See for yourself how much fun it is here:
The animals and farmer are like other Weebles in the fact that they are lovely and chunky and they, of course, don’t fall down! We think they’re brilliant and I think Jimmy might be taking out a few more wobbily, wobbily thigs with him every day now. Wobbily, wobbily Piggy (Peppa) has a friend and Jimmy is thrilled!
We were sent the toys for the purpose of an honest review.