I’m sat at my lap top with a bit of writer’s block actually. I know what I want to write for loads of posts but for some reason I just can’t get the words typed and it’s really annoying me. I don’t usually feel this way and I think it’s all down to my mood which is based around our upcoming move.
I lurch from feeling really optomistic and happy about a new life in Norfolk to feeling very sad and wanting to cry at the thought of leaving Leytonstone and London. A lovely evening out with the Ladies of the Stone last Friday night and a weekend of birthday parties and other gorgeous friends doesn’t help me look to the move with glee but then looking around my flat, which is being packed up, and I know we are making the right move. It’s just TOO small!
I bought a hopeful lottery ticket this weekend (obviosuly I didn’t win) but I’m not sure I’d stay in London even if I had millions in the bank. I think I’ve realised that country living and a different pace of life is just what my family needs but yet still I feel sentimental and tied to London. It doesn’t help that everything is so uncertain and precarious when in a chain. Especially when that chain is of 9 people! We were supposed to move this week but things aren’t ready with ‘the chain’ so we wait and wait for news that we can exchange… It’s hard to be optomistic when you don’t even know for certain that things will happen anyway…
Florence wrote me a little note over the weekend and I know it was intended to make me feel more bouyant so I’m going to try really, really hard! If my six year old girl can be so grown up about it all then this thirty six year old girl is going to HAVE to be too!
I will stop being such a misery soon I promise!