We are mainly doing baby led weaning with Jimmy because that’s what he dictates. I find that he rarely will accept food on a spoon so I mainly give him finger foods and it works much better for him. He likes to eat and enjoys meal times whereas Florence never did so I’m just happy that he’s eating anything at all!
Baby led weaning can be a messy process and while I’m happy for finger food to fly around I’m afraid I won’t go so far as to give him a pot of yogurt. Perhaps if it was mid summer and we could sit in the garden sans clothes but at the moment it’s an absolute no go and if he wants that then he HAS to let me feed him. He will, I have found, allow me to spoon feed him foods like this and I’m pleased because yogurt is so good for you and so enjoyable too. As long as he gets to hold a spoon as well and it’s yogurt, custard or something sweetly similar like rice pudding, he lets me give him a few mouthfuls, hardly ever a full pot but something is better than nothing right!
Because we are out and about lots I tend to have food he can hold on the go, things like chopped up pieces of fruit for healthy snacks and then after lunch, which is usually sandwiches or the like, I add yogurt to the pot of chopped fruit and feed him a bit of that. It’s a great way of getting some food in to him because although he eats way more than Florence did at the same age, it still isn’t very much compared to my friend’s babies. With the baby led foods he eats I’m sure more goes out again than actually stays in but with being fed a little bit of yogurt, he definitely does eat it!
More often than not we bring the pot, half full still, home again but that’s fine because then he can have the rest for desert after his tea! I’ve found a great little weaning set from Vital Baby (6m+) that works perfectly for us because I carry the chopped fruit in it to be dipped into on our way out, can add the yogurt to it after lunch and then bring it all home again in the same pot for later. Ok, so I guess you could do that with lots of pots but how often do you get to lunch and realise you’ve left the spoon at home? Perhaps other people are more organised but that happens to me all the time and with this bowl the spoon (one of their soft tipped ones) clicks into the lid (with the tip hygienically undercover) and goes with it so you’ll never forget! I really like Vital Baby spoons (they do sets for 4 m+ and 6 m+) and I have been using them for Jimmy for a while now – my Mum commented just the other day on how she thinks they’re the best ones we have so it’s not just me! The spoons have soft tips and Jimmy will take these much better than any others. I think they’re comfortable to have in the mouth and don’t feel so alien for him. They’re also nice to hold and wipe clean to transport home again.
The Vital baby Weaning Set!
The bowl is a great shape for using and has a handy lip to hold on to when in use. The lid clicks on tightly as does the spoon cover and it fits easily in my bag. I think it’s a great bowl to take out and about and is also great for taking to restaurants with you. I usually order Florence and Jimmy a meal to share when we eat out but even then the whole meal hardly ever gets eaten in full. My children are more grazers than sit down and eaters so with this bowl I can just pop the lid on whatever Jimmy has given up eating and he can have another go an hour later. They’re a really great price too and come in three different colours. We’re certainly happy with ours!
The set has a soft tipped spoon which clicks into the lid and keeps the tip hygienically clean until needed for use.