I’ve not written a diary update since Christmas time and I guess this is all down to me feeling a little low. I’m into my seventh month on my own during the week while Jonny works in Norfolk, I’m sad about leaving London, surrounded by boxes and dust from the loft, annoyed that our move is taking so long while being such a pain at the same time and I guess this is all making me very grumpy!
Basically, I’ve decided, probably along with 100% of people moving house, that estate agents are totally useless – AND rude! It feels to me like they don’t know how to work in their client’s best interests, will stoop as low as they have to in order to get what they want and can’t be trusted under any circumstances! If anyone else has found a good one I’d love to know but for now I have decided to re-name them all ‘Agent Crappio’! I love Location, Location, Location but in real life the darling likes of Pips and Kirsties have not materialised in our chain!
Oh well, I’m not going to think about it any more. What will be will be. IF we can get to a point where our solicitor is happy and IF we can agree on a good completion date then hopefully it will all work out but if not, I guess it’s only a little bit of money lost. I’m totally in love with the house we are buying but I know we have options should it not work out so I’m not going to allow myself to get worked up over it!
And that’s January in a nutshell really. Lots of worry, stress, annoyance and not knowing. Lots of being on my own with the children which is fab in one way as we get to spend loads of quality time together just us but it aint half lonely at times too. Jonny didn’t come home for 12 days until yesterday and as well as missing having someone else to just spend time with it was flipping hard work. I admire all my yummy single Mum pals who do it day in day out without complaining and still manage to look as glam as hell to boot!
The things which are taking the stress away from moving:
My little Jimmy learned to swim under water at just three and a half! We practiced and practiced and practiced and he finally did it at the same age Florence did! I’m SO proud! No floats, no arm bands and no fear – gorgeous boy! The children have been entertaining me with lots of puppet shows, Florence made a behaviour chart because she thought the traffic light system needed to be introcuded to home as well as school (am I a bad Mum for not having thought of it?), Florence has lost so many teeth now that we’re having fun calling her ‘Gappy’, I have lots of knitting projects on the go and am finding it very therapeutic – I made some Alice in Wonderland costumes with knitted pieces and the children were very pleased with them, I got so fed up of seeing a little stick man meme on line berating people for the stuff they love that I made my own (a bit tipsy but it at least made ME laugh) and movie night at the weekend was such a highlight we’re making it a weekly thing!

The best thing that Jimmy has said this week was something which made me laugh DESPITE it being a very strange compliemt directed at me!
‘Mummy, you’re not fat you know. You just LOOK like you are!’
Well, what does one say to that then?!