We are massive fans of Startrite shoes for a number of reasons. In Norwich we are home to the Startrite factory so it’s only fitting but more than that they just do seem to be a cut above. Florence and Jimmy both need a narrower fitting and Startrite go down to a very slim width which is perfect – I have found other brands just can’t seem to compete. Obviously they make shoes for all fittings but the fact that they have these super slim ones for us is brilliant.
On top of that they are made very well. We went to a local museum recently which documented a little of the Startrite and shoe industry in general in Norfolk which was very interesting; it’s a big brand now but it still feels good to feel like I am buying local AND knowing that they are the best!
For this year’s back to school the kiddos have chosen their own – Florence went for (thankfully) a patent style with some Mary Janes and Jimmy, rather predictably, wanted a trainer style pair; he’s thrilled with these footballing beauts, the Cup Final scuff resistent shoes with replaceable straps and (Cup Final 2 shoes with) a little footballer icon!
I think with a brand like Startrite you know that you are buying quality and being looked after. I could get cheaper styles in the supermarket but they wouldn’t be real leather and they wouldn’t have visited the rigorous testing that Startrite insist upon and which ensures my children’s delicate feet are being looked after. I think, as they say, you get what you pay for and some things shouldn’t be scrimped on.
Our children wear these shoes 5 days a week for 39 weeks of the year. We hope that they don’t grow out of them and they wear this one pair for all those days – Startrite certainly take into account a certain amount of growth when measuring which is helpful – so this is a LONG time to be wearing a pair of shoes if they aren’t quite right!

So it’s great to have the kids happy with their back to school shoes… Now if only I could make them happy about actually going back to school… Mind you, I’m not very happy about that either! Can’t we just have the summer holidays for a tiny bit longer please? My friends seem to be made up of 50/50 camps between desperate to send them back and getting some peace and then the ones like me who want to holiday forever… What about you?!