Billie Faiers At George At Asda SS23!

When we’ve met Billie before she’s always been super passionate about her collections saying over and over how important it is to her that children look like children and not mini adults. It’s an observation I’ve always made about her clothing designs for George at Asda even before speaking with her about this element and something which really caught my eye when I was first introduced to the designs led by TOWIE Alumni Billie. Perhaps the notion isn’t one you’d automatically pair with an Essex gal, and yet Billie is far from that stereotype gifted to us in the 80s of white stilettoed feet carrying brainless bimbos. This girl has a lot going on between the ears, is a great Mum and she uses her experience as one to make clothing which is not only affordable but very practical and aesthetically pleasing (as well as steering clear of the mini tween look)!

Speaking to her again at her latest launch party for the SS23 collection, she was just as passionate about the latest collection as she’s ever been when I’ve attended her launches. Having just had baby Margot she is of course keen to be making sure tiny babies are well cared for within her rails down the aisles of Asda; however, she is also a Mum of a little boy and a little big girl so she has the added benefit of being able to know first hand what’s what for these categories too.

I think often you can buy fairly inexpensive pieces for girls which are affordable but when it comes to buying clothing for my sons I discover over and over that I have to spend more if I want to get something that I like as much as they do. It’s funny then, after arguing constantly with my 10 year old son Jimmy about most of the things he wears, that he always loves the Billie range. He’s smaller than the average 10 year old which will go in his favour as the range is up to age 10 meaning he can potentially gain an extra couple of years in the smart twin sets he adores for summer. So much so is his keenness with one set I had a devil getting him out of it over the winter, then in the first hint of spring sun this year he’s had it right back on again. It’s refreshing to be able to pick him up pieces in the supermarket and I spied some excellent options I know he will go for this summer too.
Billie also has Nellie who is 8 and we chatted about how tricky this age can be when it comes to fashion for girls. I pointed out my biggest girl Florence and said I know the dilemma well. You want them to have fashionable choices and for them to be happy with what they wear but really 8, 9 and 10 is so young and there’s plenty of time for dressing like a teenager when you are one. Billie talked about finding that balance with a happy daughter, yet also a happy Mummy, and Nellie herself told me she has a hand in the design process which is why she loves wearing the dresses in her mum’s collections. She mentioned she does really love a cropped top too though and I thought don’t they all… I have lost my cropped top battle with Florence now she IS a teenager, I used to allow them occasionally and now it seems whatever the weather her midriff is on show. I guess hey, if I had a washboard tummy then maybe I’d be bearing mine too! I’m interested to follow the Billie collection further to see where she (and Nellie who Billie mentioned will be going to the design meetings going forwards) take it for the older girls next launch drop – I’m sure they’ll boss the challenge magnificently.
It was a pleasure to see the collection as always with special prints making a come back, alongside new ones to compliment. I’m told by you guys who follow my Instagram stories that you often find it hard to get the collection in store so I do recommend picking up the Billie range on line if you’re struggling. I’m also asked a lot when I share pictures of the kids wearing Billie clothing if it washes well. It does, and easily so. I wouldn’t say washing is my forte, only yesterday I decided that a mustard coloured dress was light enough to go in with a white wash. It wasn’t. We now have a lot of school shirts with a hint of, frankly, a urine yellow hue about them, but I have successfully managed to wash the delicate looking (and clearly hardy) Billie clothing with no problems. I am, as ever, a massive fan. I love the bonnets, the rompers and the pretty ditzy prints the best but I am also very glad for the sophisticated, classy and most importantly loved by my boys, boy’s clothing too! We’ll have more of the same please!
We had a great time at the party, thanks for having us Billie and George! And thanks to CoelhoComms for always striving to make working women’s lives easier inviting, entertaining and sending home goodies for the children. If women ruled the world!