Jimmy has grown up these past few weeks, sometimes almost like you could see it happening before your very eyes in just minutes! He was a tiny, tiny baby such a short time ago and the now he’s almost on the move! His sister crawled when she was his age and I didn’t think he was going to do it but actually, he’s so almost there! He also sits for a little bit now too and I think is pretty much ready to start having solids. He makes yummy noises while we’re eating and opens his mouth when food goes anywhere near him. I feel a bit mean really by not letting him have any, They say 6 months though and I’m inclined to believe there’s a reason for that so I have been holding off. He will however, be six months old in just over 2 weeks so I think he can start having a little bit now, I mean, what’s two weeks? The thing is, I’m not sure I’m going to have time to puree all his food and feed him so I’m going to do a bit of a combination of baby-led and spoon-feeding. I was watching my friend’s son at the weekend who does baby-led and it certainly looks easier than all the faff of pureeing and spoon-feeding him myself! I’ve been sitting Jimmy in the seat with a tray at meal times to get him ready for food and to keep him entertained while he’s there we’ve been using the Sassy Rocking Horse Highchair Toy which has been utterly brilliant! Basically, it’s a toy with a suction cup and it sticks on the tray so that it can’t go anywhere and Jimmy LOVES it! The horse spins round with the little coloured beads inside a see through section making a lovely rattly noise, the base also rotates with a satisfying click and it has two rings at the base which can be pulled and slipped up and down! The plastic is rounded and pleasing to handle and the horse also has a material mane and tail which make it gorgeously touchy feely!
Very rarely is Jimmy left alone to play with anything! His big sister shows him how it works!
For us a toy like this is invaluable because Jimmy is grown up enough now at meal times to know that we are all doing something and he isn’t! This keeps him entertained while we eat and ensures that he’s a part of things too. If he’s sitting in this seat or in a high chair then he can interact with us but he obviously needs something to do and if we hand him a normal toy he will drop it and we’re forever handing it back to him which isn’t great when you’re trying to enjoy a meal! Because this one sticks directly on to the tray it means he can bash it and spin it and play without it falling out of his grasp. A very simple but clever idea! Of course it doesn’t have to be stuck on the high chair tray, Jimmy likes playing with his anyway and we just stick it wherever it will stick, the coffee table, kitchen floor, whatever really! Even after he does start to have solids this will be a superb toy because we will want to eat our meal and he will probably be finished a long time before us!

I can’t believe the price of this one actually and it’s on special offer at the moment for just £5.95! Another exciting toy from Sassy with interesting clicking and rattling sounds, exciting colours and a purpose which keeps the baby amused and this makes everyone happy!